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September 16, 2015 1:36 am  #1

AMAZING on-set obs (and a new crush!)

Hey all! You may remember me as the actress with the crying kink around these parts. Well, a lot has happened since I posted last. I've gone through some hard times: a breakup as well as some family issues, but at the same time, my career has really taken off. I've graduated from student films into paid work and bigger indies, which is really exciting for me. It makes for MUCH higher production value and better co-stars. I'd hoped for a while that this would equal better criers, and today... boy did I get my wish!

I admit that at first I was intimidated to work with F (not even his real first initial because I'm paranoid, lol). While he's always nice and polite, he doesn't really talk or joke around much on set, often seeming instead like he's in his own little world. I don't know whether it's because he just takes his job really seriously or if he really is stand-offish, but I never bugged him much because I was afraid he didn't like me.

Which was really too bad, because HOLY WOW he is hot. He's in his 20's, white, a tad under six feet tall, with a body that I wouldn't exactly call buff but definitely not skinny or lanky, either. He has some really nice strong-looking arms, for one! He has kind of shaggy hair (right now anyway) and an AMAZING smile. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a crush on him from day one.

When I got the latest copy of the script (the night before... yeah, welcome to my world) I was both shocked and paralyzed to see that F AND I HAD A CRYING SCENE TOGETHER. I felt like the world stopped spinning. Not only was this my biggest dream, but F is kind of known in the biz for his amazing crying. And now I was going to experience it first hand!

I guess my biggest fear was that when the time came, I wouldn't be able to make tears and they'd have to use drops on me, which tbh would have been really embarrassing. Like, here I am wanting to impress this really hot, talented guy and I can't even do my job!

When the scene came we were both given time to prepare. I did all my usual tricks, and while nerves were getting in the way at first, soon enough I was able to think about my usual triggers (as well as some recent traumas) and make my eyes fill. When I did this, I felt myself slipping into character and inhabiting the emotions she was feeling about her situation. While this wouldn't have made me cry on its own, now it exacerbated the situation and made me even tearier. I took a deep breath and was still, keeping my eyes full but not spilling. (Actor tears are precious, we can't waste them!!)

I said "I'm ready" and was brought out to see F. And there he was, with his big eyes just BRIMMING with tears and already red-rimmed. I had to just ignore him and concentrate on the script in order to not explode with glee.

The scene in question involved our two characters meeting up after a sad experience, both near tears, talking about it and breaking down. We did not hug in the script, though I was directed to touch his arm, shoulder, etc. at different times.

It was weird. Screen acting is a lot of stop-starting and short little takes, and waiting between takes while the crew changes positions or discusses things, and re-doing the same take a billion times over different ways or from different angles. A five-minute scene can take an hour or more to shoot. It was really, really hard to do this while in a fetish situation with the guy I have a crush on, and I think I slipped into "survival" mode and just buckled down and did it, not wanting to fail.

So it was kind of a blur. We both cried through the whole process, and we didn't talk or look at each other between takes because that would break character and probably make us stop crying. It's also really weird because the director and crew are all business as usual, ordering you around and re-positioning you as if you're not standing there with tears streaming. They don't acknowledge your crying at all unless it's something like "dial it back" or "more" while directing your acting.

But during the best of it... oh wow. Seriously the best experience of my life so far. F is such an amazing actor that any fears I had about not being able to cry around him were unfounded. He was so real, so vulnerable and raw, that he just pulled me in. Seeing someone cry so realistically made my tears flow just like it would have in a real-life situation. In scene, looking right into his teary eyes, watching them shed big tears as he spoke. His whole body seemed to inhabit this character, shaky hands and nervous mannerisms. I remember his nose running a couple of times but no one acknowledged it. He sniffled a lot and wiped it on his wrist between takes and once or twice in-scene. The director didn't complain. I think I did the same once or twice, too. By mid-way through he had grown quite blotchy and red-rimmed, it was amazing.

So we went on like that, amazingly intimate in-scene and then totally ignoring one another (and everyone/everything else) between takes. After an indeterminate amount of time (seriously, it might have been fifteen minutes or two hours, I was not in a state to keep track) the scene wrapped.


I was having some trouble "coming down" from the scene (I envy those actors who can be sobbing on-camera and then snap right back into cracking jokes once "cut" is called) and put my hand over my mouth, shuddering a little and still teary. F, face still full of tears, turned right too me as if we were BFF, OPENED HIS ARMS, went "Aww, (my name)!" and pulled me into a great big hug! I was crying and laughing and so was he, I felt him shudder and heard the tears and snot in his voice. "That was intense," he laughed, squeezing me. I could only bring myself to giggle "yeah".

Someone brought a Kleenex box (another perk of higher-budget movies, actors get Kleenex!) and F took two, but used his sleeves to wipe the tracks of the tears off his cheeks. He folded his tissues, messed with them a second, and then kind of half-wiped-half-blew his nose (it's hard to explain). He did that once more and then crumpled it in his hand. I took one, dabbed my eyes and blew my nose, but not really as much as I needed because I didn't want it to be loud and gross, especially not in front of him! Come to think of it, that's probably exactly what F was trying to do, too. Aww. After that I just held it in my hand and wiped my nose from time to time while we talked.

F and I chatted for the first real time, him asking me about my acting background and what I like to do, etc. I was surprised. Usually he's so reserved on set. Sadly, it ended far too soon, and now I'm home. I have his number and I'm wondering if I should text him (I'm pretty sure he's single). Because I have a MAJOR crush! Part of me wants to ask him out for drinks sometime but maybe I should just break the ice with a joke about today or something. We have a few more days of shooting together and I don't want to make things weird, either if he isn't into me or if he is.

But I seriously need to ask this guy out sometime. Like wow.


September 16, 2015 1:07 pm  #2

Re: AMAZING on-set obs (and a new crush!)

Wow, for me that sounds like a story but you describe your life! I am  looking forward to what happens next, hope you post it here for us


September 17, 2015 2:19 am  #3

Re: AMAZING on-set obs (and a new crush!)

Very good story. That would be exciting.


September 17, 2015 4:07 am  #4

Re: AMAZING on-set obs (and a new crush!)

Gosh that's amazing!  Definitely text him!


September 19, 2015 6:02 pm  #5

Re: AMAZING on-set obs (and a new crush!)

Hey, that's fascinating! I love how you continiued to cry between takes, I also like the fact that you couldn't immediately turn it off after the scene was done. I always look for "genuine" crying during acting, and the way you described the two of you helps convince me that some actors at least really do cry during a scene. Being able to turn crying on and off on demand may be a great talent, it might even be vital to small-time actors who don't have a lot of time to prepare, but it always gives me that underlying feeling of fakery. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

Ugly crying is pretty crying

September 21, 2015 5:01 am  #6

Re: AMAZING on-set obs (and a new crush!)

Honestly, I've seen the whole gamut of on-set crying, from actors who just made silly noises and didn't even bother with tears (and directors who didn't even care enough to use drops on them) to experiences like the one described in my last post. And ones in between. In my opinion, if an actor can cry real tears on command then they are really crying, no matter how quickly they can turn it off afterward. But that's just my take. You can rest assured that many of us DO really feel it!

As for personal updates: I finally got up the courage and texted F, and we went out for drinks and ended up making out a bit after. Tbh I don't know if I'm ready for a new relationship right now or if he'd even be the one if I was, but I do want to see him again. After a few drinks we talked at length about what we're into, and though I didn't confess to my crying fetish given the circumstances, I did admit to some of my other hurt/comfort ones. He seemed intrigued, so I'm kind of hoping we can have a bit of... ahem, fun, with those.

Maybe I should tell him, though, if we mess around. Him crying for me on command in a situation like that? Yes please!

     Thread Starter

September 21, 2015 1:51 pm  #7

Re: AMAZING on-set obs (and a new crush!)

That's an amazing story Super-secret, i'm glad the guy you had a crush on, was responding to you..i will post a similar story soon enough..

''I like crying. And now I not only wanna cry and show my crying to other people, I wanna just split myself down the middle and open my guts and just throw everything out!''
Woody Harrelson

September 21, 2015 3:44 pm  #8

Re: AMAZING on-set obs (and a new crush!)

I imagine it'd be hard to tell a new S.O. about this fetish. Afraid of a bad reaction or misunderstanding.

I only told my husband because i  had just discovered the existence of the dacryphilia term and the idea I wasn't alone was so new to me it was blowing my mind.

Then of course he misheard me and thought I said necrophilia and I was like noooooo...  Then i explained and he used it as an opportunity to tease me while we watched movies together and I started to regret telling.

(Fortunately tho he seems to have forgotten since then cause he hasn't mentioned it lately Lol ;))


October 2, 2015 6:41 pm  #9

Re: AMAZING on-set obs (and a new crush!)

Wow.  It's too bad you can't reveal the name of the film, because I REALLY want to see this.  
Thanks so much for sharing.  


Climbing to a high chamber in a well of houses, he threw himself down in his clothes on a neglected bed, and its pillow was wet with wasted tears. -- A Tale of Two Cities

February 25, 2016 4:34 am  #10

Re: AMAZING on-set obs (and a new crush!)

Hi, Super-Secret. I'm relatively new member and I just wanted to let you know that this obs is one of my all-time favorites.

Thanks! And best wishes for many more equally spectacular acting/crying experiences in the future.  

Last edited by Tristana (February 25, 2016 4:34 am)


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