Crying Discussion » Personal obs (F) with a male friend comforting » June 17, 2013 6:00 am |
Thanks, folks. Been an awful long time since I've bothered to log in here...I thought I had replied to your posts, but apparently not! I did read all your responses a while back, and I really appreciate the comments. Makes me feel good to know that other people actually enjoyed this long post.
psychic_girl, your comment was especially beautiful. Loved how you phrased it - "a healer and a blessing" and I totally agree. Of course, he's very much a normal person, with quirks and flaws like the rest of us. But yes, T is very unique and my life is better for knowing him.
tearhunter, I'm pleased to hear this little story moved you. A few months after this incident it's actually a very fond memory of mine. Of course I'm still working on many of the same issues, but with T's help I think I've reached some level of acceptance of those problems. And T's response helped prove that he is a really good friend, and having supportive friends helps make anything seem less daunting.
In response to your questions - at the time I think I was embarrased on some level, but for the most part I was too tired and upset to care that T was seeing me cry. Actually, I had a feeling for a few days before that something or someone was going to set me off and make me cry. I was sort of hoping that it WOULD be T, on some level, because he's such a caring person and I knew he'd probably give me some...not advice, exactly, but a specific type of support that only he can offer and my semi-parental figure/friend, if that makes any sense. So in a way it was kind of nice to have that release and have him be a witness to it. The next time I ran into him at work, a few days later, I did feel some slight embarassment, realizing that the last time he'd seen me, I was in tears, but I got over it quickly. We didn't actually say much to each other - it was a busy day at the clinic and we didn't have a chance to chat much,
Crying Discussion » Personal obs (F) with a male friend comforting » April 2, 2013 4:22 am |
I don’t normally plan on doing a lot of self-observations on this board, but something (actually, several things) happened a few days ago that I thought might be of interest to people on this board. My apologies in advance for how wordy this is going to be, but I'd like to get this out of my system. Read on only if you've got a lot ot time.
A bit of background before the obs - I’m a New York State LMT, a licensed massage therapist. A few months ago I got a job at a massage clinic in my area, and so did my female friend J, and we’ve made a number of new friends. My best new friend is a guy I’ll refer to as T. He’s considerably older than me…he’s in his mid fifties, I’m in my mid 20’s. He’s also quite happily married with two children, aged 9 and 12.
Despite the difference in our ages, I had quite the crush on T at first - while he does look significantly older than most people I would normally be attracted to, he’s quite handsome in his own way. He’s also extremely kind (to everyone, but me in particular), and I can tell I’m also his favorite coworker. Lately, my crush has been wearing off, and I’ve been able to see him more as a friend/father figure in my life. I’ve also met his wife and children, and been semi-adopted by them - I’ve been invited over to dinner with the family before, and I’m going to see the 12-year-old daughter act in a play in about a month. T and I hang out all the time together at work, and since I don’t have a car at the moment, he often offers me a ride home.
T is also someone I see as a massage client. In addition to working at the clinic, he’s starting up a business out of his house. Once a week or every other week at least, I go over to his house, and he either gives me a massage at a much lower price than he would charge for most clients, or we “trade” services - I massage him, then he works on me.
So about a week ago, I get my usual massage from T. At the end of
Crying Discussion » Crying in front of other people. » January 31, 2013 7:31 am |
1. Would you prefer to cry in front of some of the same sex or opposite sex? (Let me know if you are male or female)
In general, I would strongly prefer female. I tend to worry that a man might think I was being an "overly emotional woman" or whatever. Even though I don't think most men would actually think that, and when I've started crying in front of men, they've generally reacted with as much kindness and understanding (if not more) than women, it's kind of a fear of mine. I think it may have something to do with being heterosexual and not wanting to turn a member of the opposite sex off! I would care less about crying in front of a man if he was significantly older than me/completely unattractive to me. However, if it's someone I've known for years and trust deeply - gender doesn't matter to me one jot.
2. Would you be embarrased about your crying, even though you feel your emotions are justified? Would you apologise for crying? Attempt to flee the situation?
Would probably be mildly embarrassed about crying. I've seen a counselor (female) for about eight years, and I still occasionally get embarrassed about crying in front of her! I would not apologize or flee, however.
3. Would you allow yourself to cry or would you fight to stop yourself as soon as possible?
Would probably allow myself to cry, as sometimes I find that trying to stop makes the problem worse!
4. How would you react to any tears or other crying characteristics (i.e. wobbly voice, bulging lip etc)?
Wobbly voice while crying bothers me - if it was easier to talk and cry at the same time, I would barely mind crying during a counseling session at all. I do try to contol the wobbly voice as best I can. I also get a runny nose when I cry easily, which is frustrating under certain circumstances. There's usually tissues available during counseling, so it's not a major problem, but I will have to pause to blow my nose every so often. I do tend to wipe/brush tears away pretty
Crying Discussion » What Makes You Cry? » January 31, 2013 6:53 am |
I know that there are probably a lot of things that could make most of us cry, under the right circumstances, but what are some things that often make you cry? Or, is there something that doesn't usually make you cry, but it was once a trigger for your tears, and it's so unusual and/or comes with such an interesting story that you're willing to tell us about?
Some things that have set me off in the past:
Watching a sad movie/TV show - for me, this one is huge. Since I started my Netflix account, the majority of movies/TV shows I watch, I watch alone. I'm naturally drawn towards dramas and stories that are occassionally sad, and I'm more likely to cry openly if I'm alone. The last TV show that made me cry like a baby was the most recent episode of Downton Abbey (episode 4 of season 3 just aired on PBS on Sunday, for those of you who've been watching). There was a very sad and unexpected twist. I was sort of numb until one of the characters reacted with tears, and then I was a sobby mess.
Talking to my counselor - I've seen a counselor on and off (mostly on, except when I've lived in other areas of the country) for the last eight or so years. I really trust her and I think talking to her has helped me move past some stuff from my past, but I know I still have work to do. I don't cry during every session, but I tend to tear up a little during at least 70% of my sessions and actually cry at least a little during maybe 50% of our sessions. I often try not to hold back my tears in front of her because I know she won't judge me for crying.
Hearing about the tragedies of others - honestly, I'm mostly desensitized to the majority of stuff you hear about on the news, but every once in a while, things hit me hard. The shooting in Newton back in December was awful to hear about. For a few days after, I would tear up, if not break down crying completely when I read articles or even saw headlines.
Crying Discussion » Songs about crying » January 31, 2013 6:28 am |
woundedpuppy wrote:
Well, turns out I couldn't help but cry myself several times during Les Miserables! (movie)
Suffice it to say, plenty of good acting/crying, both male and female.
Wish I'd been back here sooner to comment on this! Took me a week or two to see Les Mis (I wanted to see it on Christmas Day, but fate kept intervening lol) but I adored it. You've nothing to be ashamed of, woundedpuppy, it's such an emotional story! I didn't cry myself while watching it, which surprised me as I cry somewhat often during sad films, but the (female) friend I saw it with teared up at least once at the end. Funny how I never realized what a depressing story it could be until I saw the film version - the visual details of the poverty and sickness really drove that point home further than the stage play does IMO. Still, it has moments of hope and beauty and I loved it.
Relating to this, I do have a (not very detailed) obs to share about my Les Mis experience. If I don't remember to post it later tonight, someone remind me to share it later.
Crying Discussion » Crying and zodiac signs » January 31, 2013 6:17 am |
I'm a Pisces, born on the cusp of Aquarius. My rising sign is Cancer, and my moon is in Scorpio. I am most certainly an emotional person (occasionally I think I'm waaaay too obviously emotional, but I often have a hard time disguising my feelings). I'm kind of quiet and reserved around people I don't know really well, but sometimes I can't help showing my feelings in front of people - sometimes even perfect strangers! - if I'm happy, or sad, or angry. Sometimes I'm not obviously emotional, but then I hit a certain point in my cycle (sorry if this detail squicks out the male members of the forum, but it's true!) or I watch a sad movie and BOOM, there come the tears. I also laugh easily. Don't really get angry easily, but when I am angry, it's often difficult for me to hide.
Other and Related Fetishes » Eye wiping and nose blowing on sleeve? » November 12, 2012 5:49 am |
woundedpuppy wrote:
I'm not into the nose blowing on my sleeve, but the nose wiping could possibly be cute as a fantasy concept. I can't picture enjoying it in real life (not even with my husband, to be honest), but I can envision it working in a fanfic scene if during the scene the guy was apologetic, helpless, embarrassed, grateful... all the usual emotions I want to see. Guess it could make him seem more vulnerable and it's kinda sweet, plus it emphasizes the comforting.
I guess I'm not into the idea in real life because I have an aversion to the sight and feel of snot! Not that I'm extreme about it - and with my sneeze fetish, I love the sounds of sniffling and stuffiness - but I guess I just prefer that snot be heard and not seen, and not on me nor my clothes.I really think I'd make my hubby use his own sleeve (poor guy, aww.... that sounds almost mean). ;) But I LOVE fics - especially imaginative ones - and can go way outside my comfort zone to appreciate them! I don't think I've seen a scene like that before, so I would certainly find it an interesting read, possibly sexy depending how it was done, and I don't think I would gross out in a fic (unless the details of the snot itself were really graphic, which I suppose only some kind of snot fetishist would bother to write!)
Well, generally I'm not big on seeing or feeling snot, either...I guess this is one of the rare few circumstances where I'd be willing to risk it. Still, it's an intimate gesture to me, and I'd probably reserve this action for a significant other would feel just plain weird to offer a friend a sleeve, I think, for me personally at least (at least for nose-blowing...wiping away tears would be okay). And I don't have kids; I could see myself offering to do this for my own kids, but obviously I wouldn't get a kick out of it fetish-wise at all!
I'm glad a few people are into the idea of a fic. I'm busy at the moment, writing some other stuff for NaNoWriMo (Nati
The Lounge » Eye Colour? » November 12, 2012 5:32 am |
Technically, I guess most people would call my eyes hazel, but green is the dominant color in them by far. According to some of my friends, my eyes can look brown from a distance if I'm wearing shirts in certain colors, but I don't really see it myself. My current ID cards all say that my eye color is green, because that's what I see every time I look in the mirror - a forest color, with a few flecks of brown and gold near the pupil.
I'm not sure how my eyes look just after crying...haven't really taken notice. I'll be sure to take note next time.
Crying Videos » Obama thanks campaign staff with a few tears » November 12, 2012 5:22 am |
I saw that video earlier in the week...watched it about 10 times. I felt the same way as you, caircair.
I do feel the need to point out - that article is incorrect. This is not actually the first time President Obama has been seen crying in public, nor was it the first time he was seen crying since he was elected back in 2008. (I actually just saw a video about this, though the crying clips were nothing to get too excited over.) Obama cried just the day before he was elected in 2008, over the fact that his grandmother had just died. Likewise, he was seen getting all passionate and teary eyed during a speech, I believe, just the day before winning the 2012 election. He was also seen crying at a funeral once during his presidency that he and many others from Washington attended (I do not remember who for, however...I think it was a civil rights activist of some sort).
However, from the clips and pictures I've seen, Obama is not an "obvious" crier in general and this is really his strongest public display of emotion to date. He tends to let maybe a tear or two drip out and brushes it away very casually. His voice will occasionally get the tiniest bit hoarse if he is speaking at the time, but he doesn't really struggle for composure, get a flushed or scrunched face, or get the sniffles the way some people do. Contrast that to the way most of us cry, and it's no surprise his previous tears haven't drawn quite as much notice.
The Lounge » Interests and Hobbies? » October 25, 2012 4:31 am |
meantangerine wrote:
Am I the only person left on earth who doesn't take zumba classes?!?! I swear, even my elderly female professor has mentioned her zumba instructor.
You're not the only one. Most of my friends haven't tried it either. I personally gave them a shot because I'm one of those people who has to force myself to go work out, so I wanted to find something that sounded fun. And it is fun, though it's funny to watch people doing's a really silly looking workout.