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Crying Discussion » Anticipating Tears and Heartbreak » September 9, 2016 9:50 am |
I cry so much I have seemingly permanent lines under my eyes where my face scrunches up and will likely need Botox (and I'm not even 20 yet!!) so I hate it for cosmetic reasons, but I also get really embarrassed about showing basically any emotion other than either happiness, anger or complete neutrality in front of literally anyone. Thinking about it makes me cringe and want to slap myself for doing it lmao
Crying Discussion » Actors talking about crying » June 24, 2016 8:04 am |
I don't have any specific articles or videos to share right now but I do remember a brief snippet of what was presumably an interview with Audrey Hepburn in which she described at one point being unable to give a convincing performance and subsequently being called off set and slapped hard across the face by the director in order to make her cry.
Crying Discussion » Philia/Phobia » June 17, 2016 7:33 am |
I've noticed a lot of you talk about enjoying comforting your crying lovers and things like that, but I've noticed that I really only like watching, like seeing strangers or actors in a film. If someone I know or am close to does it in front of me, I usually feel indifferent, or sometimes even disgusted! And I definitely don't like being cried on in real life. I actually wasn't invited to a family funeral recently because of how poorly I handle emotion in real life. I'm dismissive and uncomfortable. I was actually relieved when my new SO told me he never cries in front of others. Does anyone else find that they only find this arousing when they're not actually involved, or that they are actually uncomfortable with tears irl?
Other and Related Fetishes » Anyone else like omorashi? » June 4, 2016 8:01 am |
Affirmative. I also like puke (a fetish dubbed "emetophilia"). I'm sick, I know. Loss of control/subsequent humiliation is a huge thing for me so naturally those two play in. They can work hand in hand with dacryphilia, if efficiency is a concern of yours.
Other and Related Fetishes » Men being whipped? (In movies) » June 4, 2016 7:00 am |
I remember a whipping scene in a book I read as a kid that played a huge role in my sexual awakening, so yeah, it's safe to say I'm into it lol. I used to read it over and over when I had the time. The aforementioned Adrien Brody scene gets me in all the right spots too, which seems to be an unpopular opinion. I'll admit that in context it is kind of depressing.
Crying Discussion » Crying fetish and bisexuality » April 27, 2016 9:19 am |
That goes along exactly with what I said in my introduction post about it being all about the taboo. I'm attracted to both men and women myself, and I find it to be the exact same way. Women crying is indeed very pretty, but it's not gonna get or hold my attention in quite the same way. It's like teenage kids being obsessed with drinking. That which is denied is desired.
Crying Images » Anthony Perkins & Ingrid Bergman » March 20, 2016 9:02 am |
Been noticing a bit of love for the oldies lately. Tony doesn't fully cry, but appears to blink back tears. Gifs here.
Crying Discussion » "Satisfying" crying scenes » March 18, 2016 10:30 am |
There's this particular scene I'm thinking of, and I won't say what movie it's from because the movie itself is actually terrible, and it's not so much while he's actually in tears but rather the aftermath does it for me. He just has this kind of sick, uneasy look about him, can't quite seem to catch his breath or muster the energy to fully recompose himself, he just looks totally miserable. And I guess that's kind of what does it; I like to see the toll that it's taken on the person instead of cutting away or just having them bounce right back.
But in regards to just the physical crying part, I looove it when you get the tears rolling totally unchecked. Also, I pay an odd amount of attention to the breathing. Shaky breathing (either when they're just about to cry or trying to calm themselves down) absolutely kills me in the best possible way. Also, if the person's hands shake. Good lord almighty.
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