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November 4, 2015 2:01 am  #1

Simulating Crying During Sex

So, I know we had a thread a little while ago talking about how we would feel about having sex with our partners while they were crying and how difficult it would be to achieve that kind of scenario without hurting our s/o.  Well, I was reminded of this the other weekend.  

I went camping with the boyfriend, and we had our own tent, but we were camping in a group of ~100 people, so there was very little true privacy.  One of the nights, we were possibly the last people to go to bed (we had left the campsite to make a pilgrimage to buy something at like 3AM and came back to silence), and we ended up having sex before we fell asleep.  We can be pretty quiet when we want to be, but at one point, the boyfriend started gasping.  When this happened, he buried his face in my shoulder/neck, presumably to muffle the noise.  However, it was the exact way people bury their faces in you when they're crying, and the way he was breathing felt and sounded almost exactly like voiceless sobs.  It felt so much like he was crying into my shoulder, and even though I still knew realistically that he wasn't, it had a lot of the same elements that make crying so endearing: he was some kind of vulnerable, and he was taking shelter in me to hide something that he would be embarrassed for others to notice.  It was just a really special little thing for me, and I gently held the back of his head with one hand the way I would have had he been crying.  

Anyway, it struck me that little things like this that are strongly reminiscent of crying are probably the closest I'm ever going to get to having sex while he's crying, so I was wondering if any of you have had moments like this, and if so, what happened to remind you of crying?


December 7, 2015 5:30 am  #2

Re: Simulating Crying During Sex

I haven't personally had any sexual moments like this, but I know exactly what you mean when you know someone isn't crying, but their actions have the same concepts. When I was dating my ex, he playfully pretended to cry on my shoulder and it was pretty realistic- so I just held him and went with it, and it really turned me on even though he wasn't actually crying.

"Sometimes, the best way to help someone is just to be near them."
-Veronica Roth

December 17, 2015 4:12 am  #3

Re: Simulating Crying During Sex

I have a close FWB that I tell to stop speaking actual words during sex when he is very aroused (most of what he says is kind of offputting and too "in charge" from an otherwise very gently voiced man) and just make this moan/whimpering noise. Not perfect but it's pretty hot. Outside of sex he's very cuddly. When he lays his head down in my lap I like to pretend he's crying and I stroke his hair.


December 27, 2015 8:59 am  #4

Re: Simulating Crying During Sex

jackthestripper wrote:

I have a close FWB that I tell to stop speaking actual words during sex when he is very aroused (most of what he says is kind of offputting and too "in charge" from an otherwise very gently voiced man) and just make this moan/whimpering noise. Not perfect but it's pretty hot.

I hate when guys talk like that during sex.  Thankfully, it's never happened to me before, but that's an absolute deal-breaker for me in deciding whether or not to watch something pornographic.  (TMI? Whoops...)
The moaning/whimpering thing is my favorite, though. I never related my attraction to moaning to my attraction to crying before, but I could see how they might stem from the same place.  I've made sure to mention as much as possible that I love hearing my boyfriend moan, etc., but unfortunately it still happens fairly rarely because we usually find ourselves in situations where we have to be at least relatively quiet.

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