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November 17, 2015 2:13 am  #1

Interesting (commercial) website for emotional crying clips (non BDSM)


Don't know if there is already a discussion about it (at least I couldn't find any in the www)

but does anyone of you actually know the emotional crying clip section @ clips4sale?

(There is a whole special non-porn crying-only section on that website, and a lot of the uploaders there do regularly "crying updates"...t.m: It's really people sitting there in front of a cam for eternity and just breaking down!  
usually at prices / clip: 5-20$. )

I suppose lots of the uploaders there also have a potentially *thing* for that.....???

What do you think?   Any tipps? 



November 17, 2015 3:41 am  #2

Re: Interesting (commercial) website for emotional crying clips (non BDSM)

Not me personally. A. I prefer actors doing crying scenes, if only because I know it's feigned or not caused by the immediate situation. People crying due to pain turn me off something fierce, and B. I can't afford to pay that much for clips.

"We have our stalking memories, and they will demand their rightful tears."

November 17, 2015 10:58 am  #3

Re: Interesting (commercial) website for emotional crying clips (non BDSM)

I know about it. I was actually surprised at so many non-pornographic videos on there. I guess there's a market for pure crying fetish after all. I'd be interested to know how much revenue those videos get. A lot of them look like I'd enjoy them, but why pay money for a 3 minute clip when I can find free stuff fairly regularly. I still might buy a clip or two one day.

Ugly crying is pretty crying

November 18, 2015 3:49 am  #4

Re: Interesting (commercial) website for emotional crying clips (non BDSM)

Welcome aboard, Netsoy, I hope you like it here.


December 9, 2015 11:55 pm  #5

Re: Interesting (commercial) website for emotional crying clips (non BDSM)

I agree the prices there could be a little lower but as a person who really like tears and strong emotions in a fetish- way I don't mind to even pay for this... (and money is not a problem for me)
I know there's a lot of free vids in the web, but probably not so many free 20+ minute one shot
HD - videos of pure tears (without talking) with a person who actually KNOW you enjoy it?

(say if I'm wrong)


Last edited by Netsoy (December 9, 2015 11:56 pm)

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