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March 5, 2012 11:06 pm  #1


Was watching this video - - of Benedict Cumberbatch crying in a short film he was in called 'Inseparable'. As far as crying scenes go, it isn't one of my absolute favourites as there aren't enough tears going on, but the part I really like is when he calms down a bit and brings his hand to his mouth, and the hand is trembling.

So what do you think about trembling as an element of crying? I really like it as a component of the whole impression of vulnerability. As a related effect, the wobbly lower lip is also very endearing. I suppose the loss of control in both is what's really arousing for me.


March 6, 2012 11:43 am  #2

Re: Trembling

Trembling hands do nothing for me. Trembling lip or chin of course, is a big hit with me.

Ugly crying is pretty crying

March 12, 2012 2:21 am  #3

Re: Trembling

I think trembling is something I'd probably be into... not totally sure, but the thought of feeling a guy tremble as I hugged him does sound pretty sexy in theory.  But I am much more into the sounds of trembling (like the shaky voice) than the sights of trembling.  The hand in that clip didn't really do anything for me.  Shaky voices and shaky breaths, though, seem to work wonders on me.  But yeah, shaking in general does show a lack of control, which is something I've always said I liked about crying (the loss of control = sexy).

Interesting topic!

Last edited by woundedpuppy (March 12, 2012 2:22 am)


March 12, 2012 9:09 am  #4

Re: Trembling

After some thought I must agree with you that trembling, in the sense of crying so hard (or struggeling to hold back tears/emotions) that it is a visible sign of the emotional impact on the body, definetly does something for me. But must also agree with wounded puppy here; any sign that signals loss of control hits home with me Crying and shaking/trembling = loss of control = hot!

Tears are words the heart can't express...

March 16, 2012 2:06 am  #5

Re: Trembling

I LOVE trembling shoulders. Arms and hands not as much, though I suppose they're a nice add-on, and trembling lips sometimes squick me out.


March 16, 2012 2:12 am  #6

Re: Trembling

I love trembling/shaking shoulders too. I can't say I have experience in person with trembling hands, so it's hard to say. I suppose it would be nice.

Also, nice use of "squick", Paperthings. I love that word.

It is such a secret place, the land of tears.
-- Antoine de Saint Exupery, "The Little Prince"

March 18, 2012 10:21 pm  #7

Re: Trembling

Interesting answers. It's a shame most of our reactions to a lot of the things discussed on here are theoretical - there seems to be not enough actual crying in our lives, guys! I like to add elements to my ideal crying fantasy, and finding a new one adds that extra little bit of excitement for me - the voice cracking, the eyes filling, the wobbling lower lip, the first single tear, the sudden bursting into sobs, the crying into my shoulder, and now the trembling hand holding a tissue. Ooh...

P.S. I agree, 'squick' is a great word

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March 18, 2012 10:51 pm  #8

Re: Trembling

lemoniep wrote:

I like to add elements to my ideal crying fantasy, and finding a new one adds that extra little bit of excitement for me - the voice cracking, the eyes filling, the wobbling lower lip, the first single tear, the sudden bursting into sobs, the crying into my shoulder, and now the trembling hand holding a tissue. Ooh...

Yup. All of those things.

It is such a secret place, the land of tears.
-- Antoine de Saint Exupery, "The Little Prince"

March 19, 2012 1:41 am  #9

Re: Trembling

lemoniep wrote:

It's a shame most of our reactions to a lot of the things discussed on here are theoretical - there seems to be not enough actual crying in our lives, guys!

I really look forward to the day someone who doesn't get many crying observations (or a young person who gets their very first meaningful experience) posts an observation.  Even if it's not me.  I just want to jump up and down and celebrate with them after them wanting it and fantasizing about it so long and waiting for their chance!  Maybe it will be you, lemoniep.   I've been in 5-year drought, punctuated only by a groom's wedding cry (at a distance, so didn't really see much in terms of detail), and what was presumably a goodbye cry by someone I wasn't the least bit attracted to at a bus terminal (also at somewhat of a distance as well).  However, I did have a couple of near misses with one sweet (deep down, that is) and attractive looking guy as I tried to get him to open up to me, which was exciting in its own way.  Blew it, though, and as a result, I know he'll never open up to me now.   Too bad, because I really think I could have helped him and been good for him as a friend/confidant.  As a last resort, I even told him about my fetish, but nope, didn't make a difference... probably just scared him off completely.  But the good news is that I completely moved on after that and never even think about that stuff anymore.  Wow, what a different (and crazy) person I was back then!!   I've got much better things to do with my life than chase other people's tears.  It must have been a real low in my life that I was that desperate.  Ugh, I can barely even think about it now.  If people want your help, they will come to YOU anyway.

Anyway, not to end this post on a downer!  Let's hope someone gets an unexpected observation one of these days and that it's even better than they had imagined!!!

Last edited by woundedpuppy (March 19, 2012 1:52 am)


March 22, 2012 6:34 pm  #10

Re: Trembling

I wonder if we'd be happier not chasing tears - you seem pretty happy being past that period, Woundedpuppy. Certainly, it's frustrating that people aren't more emotional, and to have that unfulfilled desire all the time, but I think that the fantasy is so powerful for me that I can get enjoyment and even some degree of satisfaction from that alone. I did have one incredible experience last year, which I posted about on the old board, where my then-boyfriend cried in my arms for ages. Sadly, my current boyfriend is much more stoic but I can still hope Random people crying, or even friends I don't find attractive, don't do a lot for me - I have to be attracted to the person, really, otherwise I'd have had a few other good experiences, as I have a mate that can get quite emotional from time to time.

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