Nice tears.
Do you know the film where this scene is played ? The one at 0:21 ..
I found it, yey !!!! It starts at 1:23:00. It s a bit too short but it seems very promising. He doesn't cover his face while crying and the tears and his voice cracking are amazing..
I f the link doesn't work you can try this one ( tell me if the links work) :
Last edited by psychic_girl (May 20, 2020 10:24 pm)
lucktv doesn't work for me--I just see a login screen. What episode of season 3 is it?
Edit: Nevermind I found it--it's episode 3x2. I got it.
It's quite understated, with one silent tear falling, and his wet eyes throughout.
Last edited by PhoebeOnThePhone (May 21, 2020 9:10 am)
Great, thank you again. I hope this is the dawn of more promising scenes from him.
So do I!
What he says here seems very promising in terms of crying. Have any of you seen the movie too ?
Last edited by psychic_girl (May 4, 2021 12:44 am)
I think at 54:15 it's the scene with Walken that he's talking about in the interview. I wish there had been more crying from both of the actors. Both only mildly tear up though i would have expected to see them crying a bit harder. They are also both red and flushed around the eyes as if there might have been more crying in between takes ( maybe i'm wrong though).
At 1:25: 28 there's another short crying scene with Emily Blunt this time . This one is very different from many other scenes i have seen from him. The way his eyes fill with tears in the dark is so intimate and sweet.
Last edited by psychic_girl (May 4, 2021 12:45 am)