Thank you Attracted to the Darkness for the new videos, its nice to see scenes, that you don't know. please keep on posting.
This isn't the best thread for this question, but it's one i found, so anyway: I just saw American Horror Story is on hulu. Is anyone able to direct me specifically to the best crying scenes? I dont want to watch the whole series, just those scenes. Thanks
Ella wrote:
This isn't the best thread for this question, but it's one i found, so anyway: I just saw American Horror Story is on hulu. Is anyone able to direct me specifically to the best crying scenes? I dont want to watch the whole series, just those scenes. Thanks
I personally haven't been able to find many good male scenes on the internet. For some reason, all we have are edits. So, I've been trying to find a way to record those scenes myself and upload them for this forum. It's soo frustrating because the whole TV show has SO MANY AMAZING SCENES but none of them are on the internet. So, I'm on it.
But just a tip, almost every-single episode in the first season has a good male crying scene in it. And the third season. And you don't have to watch the seasons in order. The seasons are different stories every time.
This is a clip from the TV show ER, where Dr. Carter messes up while trying to take care of two patients and accidentally sends one of them into an allergic reaction. He feels so bad he cries in the bathroom I recommend to watch the whole clip just because I find it better with context, but he actually starts crying at 3:30.