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June 8, 2018 1:48 am  #1

Excessively Emotional?

does anyone else feel more emotional than the rest of their peers? It’s like i’m constantly crying over stuff that no one else would cry over, but it’s not like a sexual thing for myself i just seem to be overly emotional. i wonder if that plays into my preference for crying hmmm? can anyone relate? haha i’ve gotten used to crying everyday for virtually no reason but sometimes i wish i wasn’t such a baby all the time lol


June 8, 2018 9:58 am  #2

Re: Excessively Emotional?

I'm generally less emotional than my peers. Or maybe I do feel them, but can't express them much. But sometimes I get emotional randomly. Last week I suddenly got  teary in the bathroom while thinking about homeless people. I didn't have much expression, but my eyes welled up. A tear rolled all the way down my right eye, and then two more tears followed its tracks. It was quite unexpected.

If you're a frequent crier, maybe you can treat us with some of your own observations. Do you let the tears fliw freely?

I personally would love to hear about your mouth expressions. Does your bottom lip curl out when you cry?

Ugly crying is pretty crying

June 8, 2018 10:15 am  #3

Re: Excessively Emotional?

Hello EmotionalGal, even though I can be very sensitive, it doesn’t show. I am moved by a lot of things but I don’t cry over them.


June 8, 2018 1:15 pm  #4

Re: Excessively Emotional?

Yeah similar to Amans, I do consider myself a sensitive person but rarely do I end up in actual tears over something.
Emotionalgal, I don't think crying a lot is a weakness. I admire those who are able to get that emotional release rather than having it fester inside. There's something beautiful and honest about it. 


June 10, 2018 3:37 am  #5

Re: Excessively Emotional?

I think I cry a normal amount. There have been several weeks this year where I have had tears in my eyes at least once daily, but usually it's 1-3 times a month. I've surrounded myself with peers who also cry pretty routinely, so I don't think I'm more emotional than my peers. I just tend to make friends with emotional people. My wife is a musician, and artists are a bit more prone to crying too. 

My only concern would be if you are feeling down, depressed, or hopeless and that's why you're crying daily, then please talk to someone about it. Otherwise, if you have a sensitive temperament, embrace it!


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