Hey I'm not sure which section is the right one for this but can y'all hit me up with your fave male crying clips? I had a death in the family last month and thought maybe my dacryphilia would take a hit now that I've had a deep personal loss but... it hasn't, not in the slightest. I'm doing ok, handling it well, not avoiding triggers that often present when crying happens, can i please see some nice men crying please?
Ditto. I don't know if I'm just not looking in the right place, but i haven't seen any good ones in ages!
Those are my favorite and it's hard to find nice ones that don't appear fake or staged.
The 'tiger' is soooo pretty! Thank you; I hadn't seen it.
I like so many i can't really tell which one i like the most. I found out yesterday some other clips with a few Portugesse actors whom i enjoy watching crying. Some of the clips are from soaps si i thought i shouldn't binge posting them here as i can lose myself in the momentum and post some things which have been posted before ( by me) . I think my top best are : 1.John Malkovich in Dangerous( Valmont's death) Liaisions and Death of a Saleman ( i've seen those scenes hundred of times and over time i still love them for the amount of detail, sobs, emotional expressions and depth of crying, a Portugesse actor, Diogo Infante in Sinais de Fogo ( i posted it in the video section but it's no longer available, the scene where he cries is incredibly beatifull and unexpected) , Kiefer Sutherland in Promised Land, Woman Wanted, 24, Flashback ( almost every movie where he has a significand crying scene, again genuine sobs, flushing of the face and in Promised Land he has a lot of tears streaming, wiping gestures) Bruce Willis in almost all his crying scenes but mostly for Colour of the Night where he sheds a lot of tears in one particular scene ( see the video section) Josh Charles ( all the scenes where he cries In Treatement series, this was also the first link i posted in the video section. I think his crying in this series is a stand alone to me) . I also like Jordan Peterson crying in his youtube videos and during interviews, knowing mostly it's spontaneous and expressive ). I like Rysn Gosling crying in First Man and A place Beyond the Pines ( though too bief to be satisfying) and of ourse Robert Downey Jr in Three girls and a guy and the Singing Detective etc ( i wish i could see more from him though), James McAvoy in almost all his films ( he cries extensively and always with a wide range of expressions). From older movies i adore Van Heflin in Johnny Eager ( he has 2 crying scenes in that movie) Seeing crying scenes in a 40' s film it's spectacular to me, i ve been amazed by it and i keep returning to the last minutes of this film to see it all over again ( the flm is here
I'll make a list of my absolute 20 scenes and why i like them and post it here. I ve never done and i m happy you brought the subject. It's a bit difficult to make a tight category but i ll try to put this in 2 disctinct areas : tough guys that finally cry and have ''that '' catharsis sobbing thing and guys who may cry easily or are great criers by default.
Yesterday i found other great crying scenes by a Portugesse actor, Dalton Vigh. I' ll post the best ones :
( the scene starts at 3:24 with him entering the room, pondering over the death of his father, the crying starts gradually , not many tears but then it jumps to 8:03 and suprise, his face is full of tears like in the aftermath of crying .
he's also a hansome man.
( this is from another soap, there's a depiction of the wedding night in a Muslim family. He found out his wife wasn't a virgin ( she even cheated on him) and he decides to cover this in front of his family who waits outside to see a proof their marriage had been consumed. I don't really know if the crying is genuine but there are a lot of scenes in close up of his eyes filled with tears, tears streaming from his lashes )
(at 4:38 ) ( from another soap, in this one he tries to supress crying and his face starts shaking, his eyes get filled with tears in seconds)
( He starts sobbing at 5:05, his eyes are shown in great detail )
( one tear at 6:27 )
This one is showing him crying watery eyes) while having sex (
Last edited by psychic_girl (April 17, 2020 7:31 pm)
Ooh psychic_girl, I like his quivering face and eyes filling with tears!