Oh myyy! What a gem.. He cries there for almost 25 minutes without pause, i have never seen a male actor crying so much in a scene since my old latino soaps thing >WOW !!!! tremendous acting and so raw and real that it's almost unbelievable!!!
Thanks so much for telling me about this episode, since reading your message i didn't know but about his outbursts in 34 - 35 episode which were pretty good now if i think in retrospect but this is indeed OUTSTANDING !!
And his voice, his tears dripping on and on, his gestures, his final break down ...i can't believe that woman wants to leave him after that. He definitely a keeeper only for that amount of feelings !!!
Last edited by psychic_girl (April 29, 2013 12:02 am)
Wow, what a gut wrenching scene. Certainly feels like your heart is in a vice watching him. Great acting
I was curious to how the couple turned out in the end... so I kinda skimmed through their episodes. It was a pretty sad ending, however :'(
Do you happen to know any more Josh Charles crying scenes?
I've also never seen an American/British male actor crying so much in a scene... but I've seen many Korean actors crying in sad scenes. They're pretty good at crying scenes!
Let me know if you're interested in seeing some of them
Sakura, there's a brief crying scene with Josh Charles in Threesome at one point, after Eddy ( J.C character) fights with Stuart. He is shown with tears streaming down his cheeks but i don't find it as effective as the scenes In Treatment. Yesterday when i found free time i browsed a bit the series The Good Wife on youtube in the hope i'll find a scene with him but it seems there's any there that i know of.
As far as Korean actors, a few years ago i used to hunt for some of them on youtube when i needed a ''fix'' but i usually don't watch Korean actors because their crying is sometimes stereotypical. It's too much of it and if the movie is not translated or is dubbed i can't follow the story / the reason for the crying or the tension behind it. Some Korean actors are a bit too efeminate for my taste as well, i usually preffer actors/ characters whom you don't expect to cry because they're tough or too aloof/ detached to let themselves fall prey to their emotions.
But at one point they pop or let go and the stiff upper lip simply cracks or they ''can't keep it anymore''..That's what i usually like to see..Sometimes i even want to see comedic actors doing a more dramatic role such as Rob Schneider or Will Ferrel.
For example i saw Jackie Chan two years ago crying in Police Story and i absolutely loved it at that time because it's side i didn't get to see previously and it's convincing ( he cries 5 times in this one)
Another example is Gary Cole. Before seeing him cry in Fatal Vision i could have never even imagine he cries, there was something about him that made anticipation difficult because his roles were pretty unemotional ( those that i knew at the time). After i researched him i had found out that he stars in a few dramas in the early 90' even 80' were he must have a lot of crying scenes because he plays a devasted man..Those are impossible to find at the time being so if you know anything about movies such as :
When Love Kills: The Seduction of John Hearn
Those She Left Behind 1989
The Switch 1993
A Time to Heal 1994
I would be very happy...
or episodes fom Midnight Caller ( at least tell me if he cries in any of them if you saw this)
Now i';m also interested in Jason Butler Harner, i saw him in The Green and Changeling and though he is close to crying in both he doesn't go all the way. So if you know more of this guy, please tell me..
Ok , i guess i talked a lot about ths topic now..i'm sorry that i was too detailed..
Last edited by psychic_girl (April 30, 2013 2:39 am)
For TorNorth and Hankerchief, Embeth Davidtz cries at the end of episode 42 in the series In Treatment ( season 1. She's sobbing and using a lot of tissues to wipe her tears..
Thank you @psychic_girl, downloading Threesome now..
I actually agree with you about Korean actors... I used to like a few of them who did great crying, but after a while, I got bored of how they cried similarly in every drama/movie, so I moved on. I've been in the lookout for British/American actors with great crying scenes... and I'm still a newbie at that, so thanks a lot for the recs! :D
I'm also checking out older movies of James McAvoy now... it seems he (almost?) always cried in each of his movies..
I didn't know Gary Cole before you mentioned it here.. but I'll tell you if I find any of his crying scenes in those movies. I also didn't know Jason Butler Harner before this... I'll be on the lookout for him! ^^
Thank you Sakura , be a good researcher
psychic_girl wrote:
Oh myyy! What a gem.. He cries there for almost 25 minutes without pause, i have never seen a male actor crying so much in a scene since my old latino soaps thing >WOW !!!! tremendous acting and so raw and real that it's almost unbelievable!!!
Thanks so much for telling me about this episode, since reading your message i didn't know but about his outbursts in 34 - 35 episode which were pretty good now if i think in retrospect but this is indeed OUTSTANDING !!
And his voice, his tears dripping on and on, his gestures, his final break down ...i can't believe that woman wants to leave him after that. He definitely a keeeper only for that amount of feelings !!!
OK, I am sold on this episode, from the description above (!!!), but I seem to have missed the info of which episode is being talked about. I know it is In Treatment, but what is the episode title? Is it Jake & Amy - Week 5? I am finding the episodes where they are listed by title, not episode number, so that's not helping things either, but I'm going to buy it, so I want to be sure I am buying the right one... the 25 minutes of crying... sounds amazing...
Thanks, guys!!
Yeah, it's Jake and Amy - Week 5, there's a description here with all the episodes and moments of the show, if you're so impatient :
I have to tell you though that it's not exactly 25 minutes of sobbing, it just starts proggresively with him being nervous and stuff , then tearing up ..etc, untill you get into the scene you almost have 10 minutes actually but it's still something then 3 minutes ha? . I don't like though that he keeps wiping the tears or fretting with his hands around his nose but it's very realistic. But he's cute though, very cute , his gestures are soo emotional and soft..I'm sorry i exaggerated Woundedpuppy with that comment. The scene was so fresh in my mind at that time that it seemed longer then anything i've seen in a very long time..
Last edited by psychic_girl (May 1, 2013 12:48 am)
Yes, it's Jake and Amy - Week 5, also known as In Treatment season 1 episode 24.
Similar to @psychic_girl, for me it's a very nice episode, much longer than anything I've seen in a long time.