I bought The Descendants today and towards the end in the hospital there is a lingering shot of Shailene Woodley's face and I started to imagine what the scene would look like if she'd cried.
Has anybody else wished they could change a non crying scene into one
There is a scene in Captain America where he is in a destroyed bar. I think there was a tear or two, but I would have loved a more complete crying scene
The scene in Hellboy: The Golden Army where Selma Blair has to bring Hellboy from the brink of death. She looked tearful, but I really wished we'd see full on crying.
Mac Taylor on C.SI New York..he almost cried in a scene, almost but not enough. Vincent d'Onofrio as Bobby Goren on Law and Order , again he was almost on the verge of tears in some episodes, it seemed as if it he had been prepared to suffer a major break down, a catharsis ( he even had a few freak outs that were out of character as far as Goren's character was depicted, cool and smooth ..) , the tension buit up for a while ( meaning 2-3 seasons)..and then phffff.....nothing. I was so disappointed because i wanted to see these tough unemotional guys losing it.. I saw Vincent in other movies crying..but it would have been far more interesting to see him as Bobby , the tough, intellectual detective doing it..I even had a bet with a friend of mine who knew about my addiction to male's tears and i was sure to win at that time.. But i lost the bet and the fact that i fantasized so much about this made me feel awful
Another disappointment was Gregory House. He teard up in a few episodes and even slipped a tear in Wilson's heart but later on i would have wanted to see more...It never happened and i'm pissed now..
Last edited by psychic_girl (January 4, 2013 1:58 am)
psychic_girl, I have to agree with you about Gregory House. I was really, really wanting him to crack. Plus I've never seen Hugh Laurie shed tears in anything except a comic fashion - I would dearly love to see him *really* cry.
Another potential crier is Nathan Fillion. I understand back in the day he was quite well known for dropping tears frequently. That may be how he got his bit in "Saving Private Ryan" - which is disappointing, because he doesn't look anything like he does now. The only other time I've seen anything like crying was a very short bit at the beginning of "White Noise 2" - and that scene was silent, so no sound of sobbing, like I'd like to hear. I was also VERY disappointed that in "Castle", when Kate Beckett was shot, he didn't seem nearly distraught enough - no tears, no catch of breath, nothing.
Actually if you look closely during the scene where kate Beckett is shot, you can see tears dripping from his nose, but I agree. I was also disappointed.
OK, you're right. I missed it because it wasn't running down where I would expect tears to fall. However, I DID catch something this time around that I'd missed before: at the very beginning of the scene, where she was talking to Ryan and Esposito with Castle, Seamus Dever had a tear falling - and it looked pretty darn natural. And, I don't know, I still feel like the scene was lacking some emotional punch.
Oh I totally agree, they could have done a lot more! I also noticed Ryan crying too, which I thought was sweet.
I think another reason I missed it is that his eyes are so dry - no redness, no facial moisture - it just looked too fake.
Richard Armitage would be a sweet crier. He has a lot of potential but i didn't see him crying too much in some of his moves. His eyes are so special.