Me too, caircair.
Woundedepuppy : That's exactly what i feel but not on many occasions. At times when i rememorate a scene or a figure i can bring it into myself on purpose but just once ..and is far less intense when it happens spontaneously. I don't know why it is so but i adore that reaction..
woundedpuppy wrote:
psychic_girl wrote:
In real life i used to see, well ''see'' from afar guys shedding tears and at times it felt different then on tv. But on both occasion i get a profound ''gut'' reaction when a man, the kind you wouldn't imagine crying, gets all of the sudden in a crying situation.
Ahhh, some people call that gut sensation the "stomach flip" For me, it's like my stomach drops (a dropping sensation like riding a roller coaster) and is a HUGE turn-on at the same time. I haven't felt it in a long time, though. I wish I could figure out the formula for when it happens. I think I really need to feel their emotions (or feel my own emotions) to get that sensation -- often, I'm just watching crying in a detached mode and can't 'feel' enough to get turned on, even if objectively I think it's a very good crying scene.
It's such an amazing feeling! I was fortunate enough to be able to actually witness and interact with a particular male crying on multiple occasions, and man was my stomach flipping.
I also felt the need to add how much I can relate to your earlier statement, Woundedpuppy:
"I don't get turned on (in the literal sense) by much, actually. Most times, I just find that the person becomes more attractive, so it's more of a mental thing. Then I really want to see them cry longer and harder, fight more, try to hide it (or give in with a sheepish "I'm caught!" look)... it's insatiable!"
I've found that rather hard to explain in the past and you put the words right in my mouth,
This is a great clip, by the way! Thanks for sharing, Yellowrose!
Sad, but very touching.