I know that there are probably a lot of things that could make most of us cry, under the right circumstances, but what are some things that often make you cry? Or, is there something that doesn't usually make you cry, but it was once a trigger for your tears, and it's so unusual and/or comes with such an interesting story that you're willing to tell us about?
Some things that have set me off in the past:
Watching a sad movie/TV show - for me, this one is huge. Since I started my Netflix account, the majority of movies/TV shows I watch, I watch alone. I'm naturally drawn towards dramas and stories that are occassionally sad, and I'm more likely to cry openly if I'm alone. The last TV show that made me cry like a baby was the most recent episode of Downton Abbey (episode 4 of season 3 just aired on PBS on Sunday, for those of you who've been watching). There was a very sad and unexpected twist. I was sort of numb until one of the characters reacted with tears, and then I was a sobby mess.
Talking to my counselor - I've seen a counselor on and off (mostly on, except when I've lived in other areas of the country) for the last eight or so years. I really trust her and I think talking to her has helped me move past some stuff from my past, but I know I still have work to do. I don't cry during every session, but I tend to tear up a little during at least 70% of my sessions and actually cry at least a little during maybe 50% of our sessions. I often try not to hold back my tears in front of her because I know she won't judge me for crying.
Hearing about the tragedies of others - honestly, I'm mostly desensitized to the majority of stuff you hear about on the news, but every once in a while, things hit me hard. The shooting in Newton back in December was awful to hear about. For a few days after, I would tear up, if not break down crying completely when I read articles or even saw headlines.
Last edited by thedreamer (January 31, 2013 6:54 am)
Getting my thing caught in the zipper.
Also, some songs and touching scenes in movies can make me tear up a bit.
Crying, for me, falls into one of three groups.
The hormonal cry: when it's "that time" and I'm feeling super-emotional
The tv/movie cry: usually occurs after a happy ending but can also happen for other reasons. The movies "The Joy Luck Club" and "Brave" both had me teary because of the mother-daughter aspects. My mother and I had "issues" throughout her life.
The unexpected grief cry: Happens both when something sad happens (like when my mother died) and recurs with no warning after that. Even now I'll get the weird feeling I'm about to or need to cry, and inevitably something will set off a round of tears. This is what is referred to in my sig line as "stalking memories".
Thinking about/seeing pictures of/being reminded of my mother, who is no longer living.
Movies and TV. I cry really easily at movies, regardless of whether they're happy-poignant or sad-poignant. Romance, death, people with hard lives, cartoon characters who find their mommies at the end, etc. If there's a birth of a baby, I'm guaranteed to shed a few tears, lol. Usually, the movie/TV cry is just a lump in the throat and one or two tears down the cheek, though.
Arguing, which doesn't happen a lot, but if BF and I fight, we both end up crying.
Sudden disappointment. For example, when I didn't get a job I was hoping to get, I talked to the boss calmly, but then I cried after I hung up the phone.
Music. I'm a professional musician, so I'm constantly listening to, playing, and analyzing music, and it takes a lot to make me actually tear up. But when something is just that striking, I will get misty-eyed. This usually happens only in a live performance or the first time I hear a recording. Obviously, I'm still emotionally involved during subsequent listenings, and a VAST amount of music moves me greatly (if it didn't, there'd be no reason for me to be a musician!), but for some reason, tears aren't my usual response to music. It's only when I'm completely shocked or caught off guard by how beautiful/incredible a certain part is.
Sometimes I cry at "that time" of month too, I can be emotional then.
Tv or Drama shows - if there emotional sometimes make me cry.
Natural Disasters - eg floods, earthquakes and on the news damage pictures of citys.
Funerals make me cry.
I did cry once in therapy when I went.
Um I think thats about it.
Music -- probably my easiest trigger and a nice release. This will generally be songs that have made me cry before that have a special meaning to me. It's both the pleasant sound of the music itself and my thoughts associated with the music (the meaning I find in the song) that make me cry.
TV/movies -- sad scenes, happy scenes, or whatever touches the right chord.
Thinking about (or talking about) something in my life that makes me feel like crying -- that's vague, I know, but not sure how to describe. Pretty normal, I think. It varies, though unpleasant stuff is more likely to make me cry than happy stuff, I guess. But it depends!
Last edited by woundedpuppy (February 2, 2013 7:42 pm)
General frustration is what's likely to make me cry. I am currently jetlagged, plus I have always had some intermittent insomnia. It is a helpless feeling to be exhausted and yet unable to sleep. Even during a weekend night, I get about one hour of sleep, and then when I wake up I'll cry because I'm so tired.
I will cry at movies and books often. But only if something sad happens unexpectedly. Bridge to Terabithia, for example. That ending came out of nowhere and was so sad that the tears just came pouring out. I really do prefer sad books rather than movies.
Last edited by truffle (October 2, 2013 6:45 pm)
Losing things and being unable to find odd but that makes me cry more than anything else.lately very little has made me cry.far less than in the past.but I know early on in my pregnancies I would cry for nothing at all.
Just realised I've not replied to this thread.
I used to not cry very much at all over a 10 year period I remember crying at a funeral, crying when a relationship was ending (twice a few days apart - once in front of my soon to be ex-girlfriend - first time in my adult life that I can remember allowing tears to roll down my face in front of a woman - and alone lying in bed feeling very low about the whole situation. And that was it - I should add I'm classifiying crying as shedding a tear - I probably got wet eyes a few times but they are not very memorable.
Probably went 3+ years without crying until I thought my girlfriend (soon to be wife) was going to break up with me and I started crying over the phone - turned out to be a misunderstanding.
Then when I lost something very important and dear to me - first time my now wife saw me cry 'real' tears.
These two where over about a 4 year period...
Then a major event occurred and that year I cried countless times in front of many different people. This was 10 years ago and thoughts of this event, or things related to this event are the main cause of my tears to this day - it can vary but I probably cry 5 - 10 times a year. But, it general occurs is clusters, i.e. cry a few times in a short period of time and then go months with no tears.
Bit of quick history of my crying life!
Last edited by tearhunter (October 1, 2013 9:40 pm)
I'll cry from stress sometimes, or feeling trapped in a situation. One weird thing that hits me in a bad way is when children are mean to their parents, when the parents love them and are doing their best. This might be an only-child thing, since I have a great relationship with my parents and couldn't bear the thought of hurting them. Also the idea of a gift being rejected makes me sad. This isn't stuff I see much in real life, but if I need to cry and can't I'll think of those and it helps get me going.
I'm also way more likely to cry over an animal than a person. Oddly, I am also way more comfortable crying WITH an animal, like a horse or a dog or a cow, than a person. I guess it might not actually be that odd, but it happens more because I spend a lot of time on a farm and have a lot of opportunities to do so.