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February 8, 2017 6:08 pm  #51

Re: Crying Tissue

there are several vids out by a girl who calls herself Yui Zorah where she cries her eyes out over sad anime.  She seems to favor using handkerchiefs.


February 22, 2017 7:02 am  #52

Re: Crying Tissue

There's a vid entitled "Crying Girlfriend" that's about as good a close-up with tissues as you'll find.  The girl is sobbing her eyes out and the guy is giving her what-for.


February 26, 2017 1:00 am  #53

Re: Crying Tissue

there's a vid with a young woman watching the walking dead and crying fair-to-middling hard.  Some sobbing, sniffling, and some fair tissue closeups


February 26, 2017 1:19 am  #54

Re: Crying Tissue

Ever hear of something called Anohana ?  Aname of some kind, I'll swear..There are girls all over the Net who watch ir and cry more than enough to float a battleship. LOL!



March 13, 2017 3:03 am  #55

Re: Crying Tissue

There are several handkerchief pieces on Getty that it would do to check out.  Nice handkerchief closeups.


May 18, 2017 11:23 pm  #56

Re: Crying Tissue

Tracks of Tears...we lost it again.   It's been taken off the public videos and I've no clue how or if I can access it.  GRR!  ARRGH!


August 17, 2017 2:06 am  #57

Re: Crying Tissue

Anybody know anything of kimi no na ha?   There's a vid of a lady  seriously boo-hooing her eyes out at it and blowing her nose  with tissues.


August 17, 2017 7:51 am  #58

Re: Crying Tissue

handkerchief wrote:

Anybody know anything of kimi no na ha?   There's a vid of a lady  seriously boo-hooing her eyes out at it and blowing her nose  with tissues.

Link to/exact title of the video?


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