there are several vids out by a girl who calls herself Yui Zorah where she cries her eyes out over sad anime. She seems to favor using handkerchiefs.
There's a vid entitled "Crying Girlfriend" that's about as good a close-up with tissues as you'll find. The girl is sobbing her eyes out and the guy is giving her what-for.
there's a vid with a young woman watching the walking dead and crying fair-to-middling hard. Some sobbing, sniffling, and some fair tissue closeups
Ever hear of something called Anohana ? Aname of some kind, I'll swear..There are girls all over the Net who watch ir and cry more than enough to float a battleship. LOL!
There are several handkerchief pieces on Getty that it would do to check out. Nice handkerchief closeups.
Tracks of Tears...we lost it again. It's been taken off the public videos and I've no clue how or if I can access it. GRR! ARRGH!
Anybody know anything of kimi no na ha? There's a vid of a lady seriously boo-hooing her eyes out at it and blowing her nose with tissues.
handkerchief wrote:
Anybody know anything of kimi no na ha? There's a vid of a lady seriously boo-hooing her eyes out at it and blowing her nose with tissues.
Link to/exact title of the video?