Yes I've heard she does. There is a still from the movie that shows her crying allegedly (I say allegedly because it's very LQ so I can't see her tears)
Found the still from Catching Fire that shows Jennifer crying, and it's a thing of beauty!!
Also I heard Dianna Agron cries in The Family
sakura wrote:
Actually he wasn't supposed to be crying in that car scene. He said, "I didn’t mean to weep in that scene in the car. I didn’t. It just happened. I did think maybe it’s too much. I was afraid of a double beat there."
I came across a clip of this scene; I think Michael Fassbender's quite good in it.
Last edited by Tristana (February 18, 2016 1:28 am)
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! I've been trying to find that scene for ages!
I know MF is a crier in real life, and I was just so impressed with him here - it not only was not planned, but it certainly fit into the scene very, very well. (I actually like this scene much better than the more famous one with the DVD.)
caircair wrote:
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! I've been trying to find that scene for ages!
I know MF is a crier in real life, and I was just so impressed with him here - it not only was not planned, but it certainly fit into the scene very, very well. (I actually like this scene much better than the more famous one with the DVD.)
My pleasure!
I prefer this scene as well.