Thank you, Yellowrose! I am so happy to find that John truly is an amazing actor and not just known as "Jim" from "The Office" (although didn't he have some teary scenes in that as well?). The scene was heartbreaking - watching him make that call broke my heart - but John really did an excellent job. I look forward to more from him!
Wow! That was great. John Krazinski is so adorable. I always enjoyed his little emotional moments on The Office; it's really nice to see a more intense crying scene from him. Thanks so much for finding/posting the clip.
I just saw the trailer from Split. I think it will be amazing and there are hints that McAvoy will cry again.
psychic_girl wrote:
I just saw the trailer from Split. I think it will be amazing and there are hints that McAvoy will cry again.
I'm looking forward to that one too! It looks like an intense, interesting role. And he has been on quite the crying streak these past few years, so I'm hopeful.
On a related note, I saw Victor Frankenstein a few weeks ago. I wouldn't say it's a particularly good movie, but McAvoy does have a very nice, teary crying scene about 3/4 of the way through the film. I looked online for clips, but haven't been able to find anything.
Last edited by Tristana (September 19, 2016 3:22 pm)
How long is it Tristana?
psychic_girl wrote:
How long is it Tristana?
Hi, Psychic Girl. I just realized that the whole film is available on putlocker: . I had forgotten to check there for some reason.
The scene I mentioned begins at around 1:26:15. I'd say the length is pretty average (the crying probably lasts about 2 minutes or so), but it has a lot of elements that I really like -- expressive face/voice + multiple large teardrops that form in the eyes and fall, mostly in close-up. It kind of reminds me of a less intense version of the excellent scene from Filth that was posted here awhile ago. I hope you enjoy it!
Last edited by Tristana (September 20, 2016 10:12 pm)
Oh was the exact type of scene that i greatly enjoy ! It was very beautiful and he even was close to sobbing at some point, and the part he smiled through the tears was nice indeed. Even Daniel Radclife was more expressive in this part as if he was close to crying too. I don't like Radclife trying to cry, it's something faked about it even if i saw a movie where he was at least decent. The crying in Harry Potter though looks very forced..
Haley Bennett in The Magnificent Seven has a few crying scenes mostly sobbing it has to be said, hardly any decent tears those that do appear are mostly frozen on her cheeks not running
Are there any crying scenes in Deepwater horizon?
The new TV show "The Exorcist", in addition to being surprisingly very good, is looking VERY promising for crying.
It's only been two episodes, and both priests have cried. Episode 1 had a nice teary scene from Alfonso Herrera and a sobbing scene from Ben Daniels. Episode 2 had some great crying from Daniels near the end (he is REALLY good).
And Geena Davis looks to cry a lot as well (her daughter is possessed).