My question is about what happens to me physically when I see someone cry.
Iam a straight female, and a virgin, I have mastrabated once or twice, but it was more on accident than anything else the first time and out of curiosity the second, I have not done it since for religious reasons, and I'm not technially sure it even was full-on mastrabation.
So this crying fetish is my one phyical pleasure, even though I have no sexual attraction to the person I most often have the best obs with.
That being said, when my one friend gets an emotional voice or wet eyes, I get this warm stomach rush and it feels very, very good, sometime my breath gets cut short, sometimes it hits me in the chest, sometimes it radiates down to my stomach and crotch. If I spend too much time thinking about the same incident, it goes away and I won't get that rush to my stomach for several weeks at a time. Then another emotional incident will happen and the cycle start all over again.
This was as far as it had ever gone, until a while ago, I got a text in which my friend admitted they had been crying, and while I was trying to help her out with her problem over text (comforting is a big part of the turn on). My entire body heated up like a furnace and I was in a state of euphoria, it only lasted 30 seconds or so, but it was one of the best feelings Iv'e had in a long time.
I feel like there is something missing, like there is something that comes next after my body heats up, but I havn't experienced it yet becuase I have not had the crying ob I have been waiting for for so long. Has anyone ever experienced this ?
Hey Someone, for me the observations you mention are the " Kick" to search the internet.
The sensations you describe are physical reactions to a stimulus,in this case a visual stimulus. There are a lot of activating and depressing substances/hormones/transmitters involved. I guess with a fetish there must be similar pathways to the feeling as there are in sexual arrousal.
i feel the same about the reproduction of the feeling as you do, after a few times of thinking about it goes away.
About the what is coming after: there is nothing better than having sex and think about crying, or even better: having sex after sheding tears together with your sex partner.
Hi SomeoneG1,
The thing that comes next after your body heats up is an orgasm. What you're experiencing sounds like plain old sexual arousal. Some of us fetishists can get this from the sights and sounds of tears (I can), for others it's exclusively an emotional rush. May I ask how old you are?
Far be it from me to question your religious beliefs, but I'm very sex-positive myself and I think getting to know your own body and your own turn-ons (through experimenting with masturbation) is a great thing. When/if you do decide to have sex, it will make it more pleasurable if you're able to identify what works for you. Because honestly, a lot of guys have no idea what they're doing in bed. A woman has to take responsibility for her own pleasure, and the best way to do that is with lots and lots of practice by herself . If you're choosing to wait until marriage, more power to you! The physical reactions you're having are totally natural, even if it's an unconventional thing triggering them.
What you've described is sexual arousal. I feel that way both when I see someone cry/think about crying and when I'm looking at or kissing a man. For me, arousal includes butterflies in the stomach, increase in body temperature, chills, shortness of breath, and yes, pleasurable feelings radiating down to the crotch. For me personally, those feelings are a trigger to either masturbate or do something sexual with my boyfriend.
When I feel that feeling, as meantangerine said, the way to release it is to have an orgasm. And yes, if I see the same videos or think of the same scenarios over and over, I won't be as aroused by them because I become desensitized to them. On the other hand, I don't become desensitized to live observations (I guess because those are different every time) or unrelated sexual activity.
Long story short, as others have said, what you're feeling is completely normal sexual arousal.
Yes I've had it at times but I think it's the tears themselves I have found sexy rather than the actual person shedding them.there's nothing wrong. I am totally straight but the sight of a nice woman sometimes arouse me depending on the situation, not out of desire to be with the woman herself but it awakens my own feminine sensuality. It could be the same thing.
Wow, thanks everyone, I understand my fetish a lot better now... I am 23 and have choosen to wait for marriage. Somehow I had a gut feeling that an orgasam was what came next, I just needed to confirm this and this is the right place to do it, I love our warm, friendly, understanding community, this is probably the best forum I have ever been a part of!
Love reading about female reactions to crying female arousal and orgasm sounds like such a wonderful experience - far better than male orgasms!