I can't see this episode yet. Can you tell me if he cries in Red John episode?
Oh, now i got to read all the posts, it seems he sheds only one tear ha?
I browsed for more on youtube and i found this interview, his voice craks at one poiint but he doeasn't shed any tears :
( see at 5'10)
This is from The Guardian, he is hallucintating and crying, too bad we can't see his face that much ..
Last edited by psychic_girl (November 28, 2013 8:11 pm)
No tears, but definite sniffling. He's definitely one of the best!Another good "fake" crier is Robert Carlyle.
He is so convincing, I think he makes me a little uncomfortable when he gets really worked up. That's an odd sensation for me as a crying lover. I am toying with two explainations... too much emotion and weakness is a little overwhelming or I don't quite believe him. Not sure which one it is yet.
On an unrelated note, we finally get to see how beautiful Simon Baker smiling is on the latest Mentalist.
Actually upon a second view on The Book of Love i tend to think he goes all the way, i mean he wipes tears..and his sobs are definitely not fake. If you see, a clearer, a more high quality version of the Book of Love on the net you'll notice a tear or two on his cheeks just before he wipes his face...
The fact that he has tears in his eyes, not yet crying in other movies is a sign that he is not faker but maybe the direction of those scenes ask for a sober way of crying. Otherwise maybe he would have been phony like Bradly Cooper..
Truthfully, there are scenes where his eyes are clearly watering, but no tears actually fall. He may be one of those who just isn't a "wet" crier.
While I'm not happy about Jane's choice to become a murderer, honestly no jury in the world would convict him. Justifiable homicide if ever there was. And I do love watching his face in this scene. Not crying per se, but you just know he's a hair away from tears, as evidenced by the way his voice hitches and his face squeezes when he says 'my daughter Charlotte'.