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November 20, 2013 4:51 pm  #1

self obs

Don't know if it's an one since I didn't actually see myself.I was walking home last was very cold and windy and dark. I was listening to forever young as performed by the Canadian tenors.suddenly I became conscious that my cheek was wet.I didn't even realize i was crying and my face was so cold from the wind that I didn't feel the tears fall.I kept wiping my eyes with my sleeve which didn't help just kept coming.until at one point the tears started to drip onto my sweatshirt and I thought to heck with's dark out.I have glasses on.No one is looking.and I just let them fall until I got home. I don't know if I was crying because of the song or if the wind was making my eyes water or both.there was no sobbing.just waterworks.but it felt kind of nice. The music, the cold, the dark, and tears, outside but still kind of private.this went on for about ten minutes.anyway just thought I'd share.

Last edited by inmyarms (November 20, 2013 4:52 pm)

Tears are the last gift of true love.

November 21, 2013 5:50 am  #2

Re: self obs

It surely was not just the wind. If it is the wind it is just a few tears, I know that from riding the bike in cold an windy weather.


November 21, 2013 1:41 pm  #3

Re: self obs

It was odd.I have never had a cry like that where the tears are just falling but there is no other physical sign.No smoking or sobbing our anything.I think that was my first pretty cry.

Tears are the last gift of true love.
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December 16, 2013 9:40 pm  #4

Re: self obs

This sounds seriously stunning!

I agree with flatter, I'm sure it was not just the wind. My eyes also water sometimes in the wind and it always feels different. With watering eyes you can feel that your eyes are being 'attacked' from the outside whereas with tears from emotions you can feel from the inside - even if as in this case the feelings are a gentle nudge of emotion.

Sounds like your tears where flowing pretty good - when you left them to flow freely did they drip off your chin or run down your neck? If you shed a lot of tears your face would have been really quite wet - did your tears fall down the same tear tracks?

I find women with glasses very attractive when they cry - I so wish I could have witnessed this.


December 16, 2013 10:33 pm  #5

Re: self obs

I didn't feel where they dropped from. Just at some point i started to hear a splat splat sound and looked down  saw they were dropping onto my clothes. I have no idea if the followed the sand tear tracks cuz like i said it was so cold my face was kind of numb. I didn't feel the tears on my cheeks at ask except for a sensation of  extra coldness when the wind hit the wet areas.

Last edited by inmyarms (December 17, 2013 2:07 am)

Tears are the last gift of true love.
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December 17, 2013 2:05 am  #6

Re: self obs

The truth is though if you had witnessed it i would probably have gotten self conscious and kept wiping.

Tears are the last gift of true love.
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December 17, 2013 9:48 pm  #7

Re: self obs

Isn't that always the way - you feel self conscious about the tears and immediately want to 'destroy' the evidence - when all us crying fetish types want to see more and find them very attractive. Sigh!

Based on what you have written I'd place a hefty bet your tears where stunning.

I am of course playing and being a bit cheeky with you - I understand not many people including many on this forum don't like displaying tears or feel they are attractive whilst sheding tears - but trust me they are attractive


December 17, 2013 10:21 pm  #8

Re: self obs

I feel they are attractive but I know folks like us are in the minority.if I was being observed what are the chances it would be by someone with your ideas on the matter? Besides fir which I have body image issues so I rarely feel I'm attractive. I'm have a nice face but I'm heavy (not slightly pudgy) and I wonder if even tear lovers like us would find it attractive on a larger woman. It's possible you just might.But I wouldn't know it in the moment.

Tears are the last gift of true love.
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December 17, 2013 10:27 pm  #9

Re: self obs

Tear Hunter a couple of weeks ago I posted a self obs where I described in some detail a rather long crying video I took off myself. It's probably on the second or third page by now but you might like it

Last edited by inmyarms (December 17, 2013 10:28 pm)

Tears are the last gift of true love.
     Thread Starter

December 17, 2013 10:54 pm  #10

Re: self obs

inmyarms wrote:

Tear Hunter a couple of weeks ago I posted a self obs where I described in some detail a rather long crying video I took off myself. It's probably on the second or third page by now but you might like it

I don't remember seeing this thread - wow!! - to know this video exists is quite painful actually - I so wish I could see it but obviously I too respect your privacy completely. It sounds so completely raw it must be amazing and probably quite upsetting to watch.

In my experience you don't have to be attracted to someone to recognise that they are attractive when they cry. Different people are attracted to tall / short, big / small people so there is always someone who will find you attractive regardless of what you think - I don't know if you are attractive to me but I know plenty of larger attractive women so you never know.

I remember a women at my old work - I did not find her particularly attractive - but I saw her cry one day and she shed the most amazing tears. Her eyes look stunning - they changed colour to a light blue, her unchecked tears rolled slowly down her cheek and down her neck - I was surprised at how turned on I was.


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