In the months since I've been here quite a few new members have joined, posted a couple if times and then vanished. Do we smell funny or something? Where you guys going?
I haven't posted for a while.
I really wanna be honest with you: sometimes i almost detest my fetish, since I feel like a junkie, searching the web for a new fix - a new cry. I passed my time with searching the web for crying videos when i could have done "better" things, more constructive and positive things.
i still have this moral dilemma with it and feel weird and guilty about it although i am here with you guys, who feel the same.
do you know what i mean?
Yeah kinda. But this forum had the lounge too.It's just hid fir meeting people.join in
I was out of town a ton for the holidays, just now finally getting back into the normal routine. It's good to be back!
abcd1234, I have felt much the same thing, but have more or less come to terms with it. I just thank God that there are folks out there who are something like me. LOL Inmyarms, there may be some who have gotten on here and for some reson or other aren't comfortable with being on the forum. There's no accounting for folks.
Last edited by handkerchief (January 18, 2014 1:19 am)