Just wondering, because I actually told my partner last night. I have NO idea why, we were both just very drunk after a date (haha) and both of us were feeling super honest and it just sort of happened. I was so freaked out and it took me SO long to actually say it and I didn't go into great detail.
Weirdly enough, he was totally and completely cool with it. Didn't even bat an eye, but that might be because he's really good at keeping his cool. He even said he didn't mind because now he doesn't feel like he has to hide his stress from me because his job is more stressful than he lets on, and he always tries to get over it before he gets home to me. Dream man or what?
Has anyone else told their partner?
I'm glad it worked out so well for you. Isn't it a relief?
I told my wife about my fetish and she was okay with it, but she was also super curious about what exactly I liked. Over the next few weeks she kept asking me about it and showing me different crying pictures/videos and even cartoons, trying to understand the fetish better. Honestly, I think she likes how affectionate I get when she cries, so she ends up coming directly to me whenever she feels the tears coming on. Maybe it was easier for her to accept because I'm a woman and we often cry together, but I'm glad she reacted the way she did.
Last edited by truffle (January 13, 2014 1:31 am)
I told my boyfriend fairly early on, maybe a couple months in. He was also completely cool with it. He wasn't terribly interested, but he said he could understand it and it didn't change how he felt about me.
That said, I also told my ex after we had been together for a year and a half, and he did NOT react well.
I sort of you'd my husband sit it when he cried last week after his grandmother died. He cried fir a minute want then beat hungrier you fir crying to much. I tested the waters. I told him I thought he was gorgeous when he cured. He asked "you think it's gorgeous when summertime is miserable?"
I told him that the turn on was that he trusted me enough to see it. He shrugged like he totally didn't get it. He cried last night and I was laying with him abd he said "your watching my tears now?" I says I'm looking at your face. He says looked like you were checking my face it all over to see the tears.
I think he thinks it's really really weird but he didn't seem bothered.
@truffle Your wife sounds amazing and so supportive! It is SUCH a relief, but I'm still sort of trying to process that he actually knows since this was something I had never planned to tell anyone. By the time I actually told him he was like "I don't meant to trivialize, but that's it? I thought you were going to tell me you killed a man!" haha!
@meantangerine: Oh man, it must have been scary having someone have a bad reaction. I'm glad your current boyfriend understands, you're super brave to tell him so early on!
I was really scared my boyfriend would misunderstand because it's so easy to take it the wrong way. Like I had to really explain that it's not like a masochistic thing, I don't want to cause it (unless it's happy tears of course, those are cute) and that it doesn't trivialize the emotions at all, that first and foremost I just like being trusted and being a source of comfort. (sorry for wordy reply hahah)
@inmyarms: That's a really smooth way to test the waters! His reaction seems like a pretty normal one, that's more what I expected from my BF so I was pretty shocked when he was wanting details and sort of... embracing it.
I just read my post and realized my auto correct was going haywire.I'm surprised you understood anything I wrote.
Maybe you have the right partner, that you can trust, that you can tell them about the fetish. There are many good things about my husband (he never hits me, sometimes he prepares dinner for us...just kidding) but one thing I would never talk about with him ist my crush in crying. It just doesn't feel right.
@inmyarms I got the gist!
@flatter I totally understand that. I NEVER thought I would tell my bf and I'm still kind of in shock that I did. And that he didn't flip out. Like I'm still sort of just like "he'd better not make me regret this!" because it's weird enough already.
I'm so glad he had such a positive reaction! He sounds like a great man.
I told my boyfriend about a year into our relationship. I might have told him sooner, except I hadn't yet really defined it as a fetish (or at least thought of it using that terminology). I remember telling him when we were first dating that I liked a man who wasn't afraid of expressing his emotions, and he seemed relieved because he's a pretty emotional guy. But he didn't seem surprised when I told him about my fetish, since I was always so quick to comfort him and obviously enjoyed it.
I got lucky in that he had such a positive reaction. He actually tells me that he loves this part of me, because his parents did not show respect for his emotions, and he's so happy that he's found someone who actively loves that aspect of his personality. He says it makes him feel safe and loved. I'm still always self-conscious that he might think I'm enjoying his pain, but he reassures me that he doesn't think that. He says that when he cries, my fetish doesn't even occur to him. Which I have trouble wrapping my mind around, but I believe him.
Part of me really wants to tell my bf, and the other part of me wants never to. He's been through a lot, and sometimes I think that letting him know I truly enjoy him opening up would make it easier for him to. On the other hand, I'm afraid he'll think that I've only ever been there for him for my own benefit, and not a lot of people are there for him, really. Plus, he might just think it's sick and break up with me, which I don't think I could bear. But then again, we've already been together for 5 years. He has the right to know something about me that he may find sick. It's a conundrum.