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January 13, 2014 3:49 am  #1


I should mention that I am now married. My legal residence is in a state that allows two brides at the altar .

My wife was born to a very young mother, and she and her brother were raised by her aunt while her mother finished school and college. Now her mother is (EDIT wrong age) 41 and is my wife's best friend, and I have an amazing mother in law. Anyway, her mother has been staying with us for the past week and it has been a lot of fun, the three of us shopping and travelling together. Last night we were just lounging around after dinner when her mother got a phone call from a friend. They talked for a few minutes, and suddenly her mother's voice cracked and she started sobbing. She was sitting on the couch to my left, slumped slightly, with her head tilted to the right. When it was her turn to talk, her voice did not wobble at all; it's like she turned off the crying completely. However, when she was listening to her friend talk, she would lower her head and sob hard. With every sob her lip curl became more intense, and then she'd recover and start again. She wiped the tears that fell over her lips and chin, but there was a stream of tears running down the side of her right cheek which she never touched. This went on for nearly two hours. She was exhausted afterward and went straight to bed. Her eyes were slightly red, but her face wasn't red at all. The issue wasn't particularly serious; they were just two friends commiserating over something that had happened a few weeks ago.

I've always been curious as to whether family members cry in a similar way. The only similarity between these two is that they sob easily, and they sob almost every time that they cry. But this is the first time I've seen someone who only sobs, but then can instantly stop to talk without difficulty, and then go back to crying hard. TorNorth, you would have loved this.

Last edited by truffle (January 30, 2014 10:29 pm)


January 13, 2014 4:07 am  #2

Re: Observation

that sounds pretty. I think it's great that she feels comfortable enough to cry in front of you.

Last edited by inmyarms (January 14, 2014 2:59 am)

Tears are the last gift of true love.

January 13, 2014 8:56 pm  #3

Re: Observation

Thank you for posting! I find it always interesting to discover different crying styles.


January 14, 2014 2:47 pm  #4

Re: Observation

Congratulations on your marriage!

I love your observation; thanks for posting! I've never seen someone who only sobs, either, especially with no wobble in the voice, but it sounds beautiful. And wow, two hours.

I don't know if family members cry similarly, but I certainly wouldn't object to doing a study! My mother tended to sob silently but hard, with loud catches of breath between each sob. She also had a big curl. I think my lips tend to be more contorted than curled, and I usually have shorter, silent sobs and some quiet breath-catching. So maybe somewhat similar. Interesting topic to explore!


January 14, 2014 4:29 pm  #5

Re: Observation

I loved the bit where she stopped talking and just cried. Good thing she didn't cover her mouth either. I think it's more to do with her age. I'm guessing she's in her 40's. Older women tend to cry more confidently, in my experience. Thanks for describing the lips, too. 

@Carrotcake: Did your mother have a lip curl when she was younger, or did she have it later? I definitely love intense but silent sobs.

Last edited by TorNorth (January 14, 2014 6:00 pm)

Ugly crying is pretty crying

January 18, 2014 10:01 pm  #6

Re: Observation

@Tornorth, I think my mother probably had the lip curl her whole life. Certainly as long as I can remember...the first time I remember seeing her cry, I was about five years old, and she did have it then. She was always very emotional and not ashamed about crying in front of others.


January 28, 2014 7:55 pm  #7

Re: Observation

My wife has two sisters and all three of them share similar characteristics when they cry.

They all cry openly and if they feel the situation justifys showing emotion they will cry without obvious signs of embarrasement in front of family members, friends, work colleagues and strangers alike.

Their eyes all fill with tears in the same way - they will water first before tears start to fall - it's hard to describe but I noticed the similarity straight away - same frequency, size, shape etc.

Each of them allows tears to roll down their checks unchecked - tears drip from their chin and roll down their necks - they don't appear to get particularly red eyes but their eyes turn the same smokey blue when they cry.

I've only every seen my wife sob, I've not seen her sister cry to the same intensity. But the level of crying I have seen is very similar, quiet - wobbly voice when they speak, no lip curl to speak off.

I've never seen their mother cry to see if she shares the same traits but the sister are all very similar.


May 15, 2014 5:40 pm  #8

Re: Observation

My wife's family has been going through a stressful time. My nephew (Brother-in-law's son) has had health problems ever since birth, and since the beginning of this year he has been having health scares more and more frequently. That was the reason for the crying episode I detailed above. He basically had another scare last week, and that caused some emotions.

When I got home and went into my guest room, my brother in law and his wife were sitting on either side of the bed, and their son was lying in the bed, awake and clearly shaken up after getting back from the emergency room. His wife's eyes were red from crying but she seemed to have stopped, and she was carefully feeding her son some food. My brother in law was a mess; his face was red, and tears were dripping off his nose and onto the bed. He was angrily muttering under his breath, very irrationally blaming his wife for what had happened, but every time he tried to raise his voice he'd break down into loud, deep sobs. After a minute, he got up and pushed past me, storming out the front door. As the door slammed shut, I sat down with his wife and took the food from her hands to feed her son, and she started crying again. She's a Punjabi woman in her mid twenties, with long black hair and brown eyes. She let her tears fall freely and had a mild lip curl but didn't sob. She blew her nose hard afterward on a tissue.

Three days later my mother in law was at our home, and the topic of her grandson's health and her son's temper came up. She started crying basically the same way as I described in the OP, except this time she did cry while talking. Basically she would complete a sentence, and then the words would taper off into sobs, with her lips parted and a pretty intense lip curl. What amazes me is that her crying did not seem stressful. It looked so casual. After a bout of sobbing, she would just stop and take a sip of iced tea, wipe her eyes, read a text message on her phone, and then sob again. It is actually a little disconcerting.

I also have two sisters. My youngest sister is the most emotional of all of us, and has similar crying habits to mine, I believe. The difference is, I think her nose starts running easily. So, you start hearing her sniffling way before tears start falling from her eyes. Another difference is, while she allows tears to fall freely, she wipes them from her face really, really hard. She has cried eight times so far this year, so her frequency is similar to mine as well. My middle sister is an aggressive eye-wiper; I don't think I've seen a teardrop on her cheek since she was eight. She also has a lip curl, but without sobbing, if that makes sense. She has cried only three times so far this year. Very different from me.

Last edited by truffle (May 15, 2014 7:23 pm)

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May 16, 2014 10:28 am  #9

Re: Observation

truffle: is it a guess how many times your sister cried or is it a matter you talk about together?


May 16, 2014 10:46 am  #10

Re: Observation

My youngest sister is living with me so I witnessed her episodes. I asked my middle sister and she told me. No guessing.

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