So, I had an interesting experience the other weekend with my bf. Unfortunately, no actual crying occurred, but it was still emotional and brings up a few interesting conversation topics.
He and I spent the whole day together visiting my family, and then had a long adventure home. He stayed over and we ended up staying up in bed talking pretty much all night. He was in a singularly amazing mood while we lay there, at one point during the night telling me I had actually made him giddy. Anyway, late into the night, I started getting a gnawing anxiety in the pit of my stomach for no apparent reason. Now don't make fun of me, but I believe in spirits and have had some experiences with them, so I thought perhaps that a bad spirit was around causing the feeling. This didn't make much sense to me, since my house is usually filled with positive energy, but I couldn't think of another way to explain it. Regardless, I didn't want to feed the negativity, and I really didn't want to bring down my bf, since he rarely gets to be truly happy, so I tried to ignore it. It only got worse, but I didn't let on to the bf that I was at all freaked out. After a while though, he admitted to feeling incredibly anxious himself. Surprised, I told him about my feelings, and we both freaked out a bit and turned on the light before laying back down to talk through what had happened. It turns out he had slightly overdosed on caffeine (don't worry, it wasn't a dangerous amount, just more than what his body is used to) and was having a mild panic attack because of it. What confused me was that there was no explanation for my anxiety. He figured I got it from him, but I had absolutely no idea that he had started to feel bad until he told me. The only explanation we could come to was that we're actually so in synch that I picked up on his feelings without even being consciously aware of them, which is pretty amazing and kind of awesome to me.
Anyway, we eventually turned out the lights and climbed back into bed. We had been laying on our backs originally, but this time I put my arms around him, and I thought I felt him press closer against me a few times. It seemed nice, but when we started talking a little more he said I was "being too comforting" because I was "using my 'everything's okay' voice" and he wanted me to stop. It made me feel really self-conscious considering what I am and how it's still a secret, so I pretty much stopped talking and went to sleep after that. I'm not exactly sure what to think about it.
So in light of these recent events, I was wondering if anyone else here has been so connected to another person that they've felt their emotions like that before. If so, did it help or hinder the whole comforting experience? For me, it seemed like a bit of a hindrance because, if I hadn't been feeling the same way, I could have actually comforted him when it was relevant instead of just freaking out with him. On the other side, had I known what was going on, I could have been more in tune with him and perhaps asked him what was going on and helped him through it sooner.
Also, has anyone else been called out on being "too comforting" before? How did that go over?
Punk chick, the spirit world is both extremely real and extremely dangerous. There are desirable spirits from God and evil spriits from Satan. If you feel spiritually attacked command the evil beings to depart from you in the name of God or Jesus Christ. Works for me every time.
Thanks for backing me up on that one. I don't believe in god, so those words wouldn't have much power coming from me, but I have found some ways to protect myself.
Whether you believe in God or not, He is absolutely real and He absolutely loves you!
A word regarding religious, spiritual, political and sociopolitical discussions: I encourage avoiding them at all costs on this site
Well, that's eight words, but there you go.
I have sometimes used what I call the David Tennant excuse, which is from when the Tenth Doctor uses the phrase; "I'm always allright" which is correctly translated by Donna Noble as "special time lord code for not really allright at all"
Is this what you mean
TorNorth, I've no intention of offending or disrespecting any one on the forum, but my personal relationship with God is too much a part of me to never mention it. If not for that relationship, I wouldn't be here at all. If it sounds like there's quite a story here, there is. I'll write you personally and tell it if you want.
Reptongeek - I'm not sure. Care to elaborate on what you mean?
I haven't been called out so directly but it had hastened when I have said it's ok my husband would snap "it's NOT ok". I realized that on some cases being too comforting cam have the effect of deligitimizing the other person's pain. Sometimes it's better to validate s and empathize and not reassure.
punkchick wrote:
Reptongeek - I'm not sure. Care to elaborate on what you mean?
Sure. The first time David says it is at the conclusion of The Girl in the Fireplace to Rose when he is clearly grieving the loss of Madame de Pompadour who he had fallen for. He then repeats it following the loss of River Song in Forest of the Dead. In other words he isn't fine, but he doesn't want to discuss it