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November 5, 2011 5:03 pm  #1

Is the fantasy of non-criers hotter?

Hi guys. I was LemonPencilGirl on the old forum - didn't get round to posting an awful lot before it was shut down so you might not remember me. But hello Nice to see you all again.

I don't know if this has been asked before, but I wanted to ask about whether or not you thought that the idea of a certain person crying was more or less appealing if you'd never seen them cry before. I'm never quite sure. For me, a huge turn-on is seeing people cry who wouldn't usually - people who are normally really unemotional, and are suddenly really vulnerable. So imagining somebody generally prone to stoicism in tears is very hot. On the other hand, if you have seen somebody cry already, you can imagine it much more easily - how their voice sounds when they cry, what kind of crier they are, etc. But I find that if I've seen someone cry too many times, the effect it has on me is reduced.

What do you guys think?


November 5, 2011 6:50 pm  #2

Re: Is the fantasy of non-criers hotter?

Maybe little bit, but not particularly much. My crying fantasies depend more on how attractive I find them in the first place. Though it is easier to imagine someone crying the way I like if I haven't seen them cry before. The only problem there is that when they do cry, it's a little disappointing.

No I don't remember you but welcome back and thanks for posting

Last edited by TorNorth (November 5, 2011 6:51 pm)

Ugly crying is pretty crying

November 6, 2011 1:01 pm  #3

Re: Is the fantasy of non-criers hotter?

I find if I know someone is more emotional thus more prone to crying I do find this hotter. However much like TorNorth I suspect that seeing somebody cry who isn't prone to crying is better because you're not hyping it up in your mind, if that makes sense

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

November 6, 2011 5:26 pm  #4

Re: Is the fantasy of non-criers hotter?

I remember you... welcome back!! 

I like both situations.  The person who never ever cries suddenly crying in front of me concept is beyond hot, for sure.  But so is the person that I can tip over the edge myself.  Not in a power-hungry way, but just that I can reasonably anticipate things going my way.  I guess the one downside to the person who never cries suddenly crying is that it's probably a one-time thing and I'd know that this was probably going to be the ONLY time I'd ever see them cry.  It would be sooo hot in that moment, but such a short moment.  Whereas the tip-over-the-edge type of person could be used for multiple, lengthy fantasies... but anyway, I am over-analyzing.  I completely get what your'e saying.  In my real life, EVERYONE falls into the category of being stoic... every male, anyway... and thinking of them breaking down is super hot and drives me insane.  Thinking about an actor who kind of cries a bit too much, like, always pushing the scene beyond what it needs to be, almost indulgent in it?  Yeah, not nearly as hot.  Because he wants it.  I don't want them to want it.  That's what makes the stoic situation so hot.  I want them to come to me helpless... like it kills them to cry in front of me, but they've decided they've gotta do it anyway because they can't think of any other way to deal with the situation.  That's what I want.  And for them to be a changed after that experience, like now they can cry in front of me.  Which I guess changes their "stoic" status, hmm.  Put it this way... I guess I want a stoic who I can have the opportunity to break in and change into a crier.  But he still remains stoic in front of everyone else... he just cries in front of me... a lot.


November 6, 2011 7:28 pm  #5

Re: Is the fantasy of non-criers hotter?

Hi Lemoniep! I remember you too, and welcome back! (I think I remember you posting a really hot observation. Am I making that up?)
This is a difficult question, and I agree to one extent or another with what everyone has already said. I very much enjoy the thought of a stoic guy crying. I like the idea of him really trying not to cry, but giving in and then being rewarded for it with love and comfort. If he never cries again in front of me, something is still different and I can still remember "that one time," which is hot because I know something about him that no one else does. Still, I'd prefer that kind of situation with a friend, a coworker, someone I'm not romantically involved with.

With a boyfriend/husband, I want a crier. Not someone who cries at the drop of a hat, of course, over stupid stuff, but someone who cries on a fairly regular basis, maybe once a month or so. Mostly in front of me, maybe RARELY in front of a male friend (because I think that's pretty hot too, a man comforting a platonic male friend). Then he'd tell me about it later, of course ;)

It is such a secret place, the land of tears.
-- Antoine de Saint Exupery, "The Little Prince"

November 7, 2011 9:14 pm  #6

Re: Is the fantasy of non-criers hotter?

I must admit seeing someone cry for the first time is amazing hot!

There have been times when I have had to try very hard to keep my fetish from being discovered (or at least suspected) when witnessing women crying for the first time.
Don't get me wrong I love to see the same person cry over and over again - don't think I'll ever grow tired of my wife's tears, but watching that first tear fall down an attractive female cheek is knee trembling!

I remember seeing a work colleague cry for the first time - she cried just the way I like - unchecked tears rolling down her face. I was holding a cup of water at the time and I became aware that my hands where trembling with excitement - I had to put the cup down so as not to be noticed.

Seeing people cry who don't usually cry is also a turn on for me. One of my friends sister cries very very rarely - probably only a handful of times in her adult life (she is in her mid thirties) - she did not even cry at her father's funeral.
But after a particularly boozy night we where talking and she brought up the subject of her father - she was pretty drunk at this point - as she spoke her voice broke and a single tear rolled down each cheek.
It was only one tear from each eye - and she did not even appear to notice as the tears rolled all the way down to her neck. I so very nearly (being a little drunk also) reached forward to brush her tears away - which would have been a bit inapproriate! I should also point out she is very attractive - stunning blue eyes!


November 12, 2011 12:25 am  #7

Re: Is the fantasy of non-criers hotter?

Great answers guys!

Woundedpuppy I know exactly what you mean about them having to not want it - part of the appeal for me is those who desperately try to fight it, and are embarrassed by crying.

Meantangerine, I'm not sure if it was me who posted a hot observation, but it might have been - I posted once about my boyfriend crying for quite some time (which I found VERY hot, of course), never any any self-obs though.

Several of you make a very good point about the one-time crier - something is definitely different and clinging to that memory removes some of the frustration of them never crying otherwise. Everyone's points of view were very interesting

     Thread Starter

February 27, 2014 7:08 am  #8

Re: Is the fantasy of non-criers hotter?

This is totally me!  I've always prided myself on being able to control my emotions (and I'm a girl - rarer for us) and not crying in front of other people, and I try to suppress it when I get close to it.  In circumstances where I have wound up crying in front of someone, even after trying to fight it off, it is usually someone I've known for years who has been emotionally intimate with me and is frustrated that I have not fully "let them in" - so it seems to have magnified importance when it happens.  I have been confronted in a few different circumstances by people who are otherwise very close to me, because I haven't let myself cry in front of them and still hold them at arm's length.  That always feels like a very exciting, but also terrifying, confrontation for me, because it might push me in the direction of crying and being seen in that vulnerable moment by someone who won't let me run away. 

When it does happen the first time (based on only a few experiences, because it's not like it's happened with a lot of people!), I have generally felt extremely fragile, sensitive, and vulnerable for awhile after the fact, and I sometimes try to erect the defenses again, but if that person doesn't let me, it's not usually just a one-time occurrence.  It's like once the floodgates are open, it becomes harder for me to hide emotionally from that person, even though it never seems to affect my general "non-crier" reality with others! 

I have been told in a couple of cases where I let things happen that I was "beautiful" when I cried (which completely shocked me, as I think I look awful), and sometimes the emotional intimacy has ultimately led to sexual intimacy, so I seem to connect the two somehow.  It definitely takes on a sexual excitement for me when I feel that exposed, though my fear is that I'm anything but "hot" at those moments.  It's illuminating to see here that people actually have fetishes for crying in similar types of circumstances!


February 27, 2014 10:24 pm  #9

Re: Is the fantasy of non-criers hotter?


I also like both types. One of my biggest fantasies (perhaps the most prominent) is that a guy who has trouble expressing his emotions to other people develops enough trust with me that he's willing to break down in front of me and let him comfort him. I am very aroused by being the only person a man is comfortable being emotional with. But I also like men who are emotional in general.

I guess for me, the excitement of seeing a new person cry is similar to the excitement of kissing or sleeping with someone for the first time. You don't know exactly what it will be like, so you imagine it in a lot of different ways, and then when you see it/do it, it's not exactly how you pictured it. Often, it's better, but of course, that depends.

My boyfriend is sort of a combination. He NEVER cries around anyone except me, which I find really hot. But he's really emotional around me in general, even if he isn't actually crying. He did have to get comfortable with me first, but now he's not uncomfortable about crying in front of me. He does still have some trouble dealing with problems and getting out pain/anger/sadness, and honestly, I find it extra hot when he finally lets out something he's been holding in for a long time. So, while I would love for him to cry more, I think it does make it more special and arousing that he doesn't do it too often.


March 1, 2014 6:42 am  #10

Re: Is the fantasy of non-criers hotter?

Growing up, I used to prefer crying fantasies about people who are less likely to cry.  To this day, I'm much more aroused by male than female crying, despite being pansexual--probably because society judges men who cry, making it feel more intimate, which is a huge thing for me.  

Nowadays, my boyfriend is pretty much the only person I have crying fantasies about.  Usually I just steal whatever situation I read or watched most recently and throw him and I into it, or make up my own if nothing comes to mind.  However, I love when he tries to hide it or fight it in my fantasy, but my comfort and acceptance just cause him to give in.  Of course, part of the appeal might be that he's never cried to me before in a manner that was visible (he has sobbed to me over the phone and I'm pretty sure he's shed a tear or two in the dark beside me, though we never acknowleded it).  I'll definitely still enjoy the fantasies after it happens, but I'm looking forward to it in a way, so the fantasies sort of tide me over.


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