There is a long monologue from Chris Evans (over 3 minutes long), where he cries constantly, but doesn't sob. But it's very long. (starts at 89:00)
And there is a second crying scene around 106:45
Ah, finally there's a video of Snowpiercer!
I watched this movie months ago, and as weird as this movie could be (so typical Korean), I really loved Chris Evans' acting here... he's such a versatile actor, so different from his usual superhero roles. I like how he chose to act in movies that are so different from the box office type of movies; that shows what a great actor he is. I kinda wish he'd cried more in Snowpiercer or London, though
yea, the movie was really nice, the movie is not working on old link, here is the updated link of the movie
Last edited by lnalindrfa (September 15, 2014 10:15 am)