Oh gosh, this interview is the best, too bad we canot see hs eyes better, but it's pretty obviously that when the interviwer interrupts the shooting he's leaving to compose himself.. I think that guy is a jerk for not letting him wipe more tears in front of the camera..I rewatched this a few times and just before the reporter asks him to pause a bit ..a big tear falls down on his cheek and he keeps wiping his nose..
Last edited by psychic_girl (April 4, 2015 8:57 pm)
At the end of this one he goes all the way, the woman seems more comfortable letting him cry..and his attitude was different too, he didn't feel that embaressed either..Those interviews were accurate in terms of what tearhunter told us about people's reactions when they see someone cry..Vin Diesel is bold anyway to show such vulnerabiliy, the type of tough guy who hides a soft interior....i really like the way he speaks
Last edited by psychic_girl (April 5, 2015 9:04 am)