So these happened several weeks ago, but I never found the time to put them to paper.
The first one was while I was on a 12-hour bus ride back home from the Bahamas. There were these two people in the seat right in front of me; one was a boy and the other was a girl, young adults. I thought they were a couple because of how close they acted toward each other but apparently they weren't. I overheard the guy telling her and some of his other friends that as soon as he texted his girlfriend after being away for so long, her only response was "Why did you like so and so's picture on Facebook?" It infuriatated him because he really missed her. So, I don't know exactly what they said to each other after that since they were texting, but apparently they ended up getting into a huge fight and his girlfriend was saying some pretty hurtful things to him. I kind of zoned out from everything to look out the window and listen to music. As soon as I turned back around, I saw the guy's head rested on his female friend's shoulder as she had her arm wrapped around him. I was wondering if he was crying or not, or if they were just being close friends as they normally acted. But then, I saw people handing him tissues, and I overheard his mom (who was sitting in the seat behind me) talking to his girlfriend on the phone as she cried. Since I knew what was going on now, I watched these two young adults sitting in front of me and observed what happened. The female friend was hugging him tightly, stroking his hair, rubbing his back, using tissues to wipe his tears away, everything. It was a very pleasurable sight. Every time one of them had to look up at something, she would pull him right back in and rest his head on her shoulder, and he would just lay there and let her. His mom was in tears right behind me; her voice breaking, cracking, trembling, as she tried so hard to convince his girlfriend that what she said was wrong. This literally went on for at least an hour until we stopped at a rest stop.
The second one happened not too long ago, maybe like 3 weeks ago or so. This one wasn't as pleasurable since I was nervous as heck and it was the first time I've ever physically comforted someone, but I found it interesting to share. One of my long time best friends (female) was going through some hard times with her boyfriend. We were standing outside waiting for the bus, and I saw a glimpse of meloncholy in her face as she talked. I asked her, "What's wrong?" She responded with "Nothing!" in a very stern, straightforward way. As her best friend, I knew it meant there was something wrong. I kept asking her the same question, and she said she would tell me on the bus. So our bus arrived, and we got on. She sits right beside me. As the bus started going, I asked her the same question, but she said "I don't want to talk about it." And I was okay with that. So I just stuck my headphones in and stared out the window. After maybe 20 minutes, every time a song would go off, I could hear muffled moans right beside. I knew that she was probably crying. I turned my headphones all the way down and listened to make sure. Sniffling, high-pitched moans, her seemingly sobbing as quiet as she could (which wasn't very quiet). I felt so bad for her, but I didn't know exactly what to do. It's not everyday I have a person sitting right beside me in the same seat bawling their eyes out. I just sat there for a bit and pretending to not notice, since I could hear her struggling to hide it from me. Finally, the bus driver told us to move up since our stops were close by. So we moved to a different seat and sat down. I turned around and notices her eyes were red and wet, so asked "Are you okay?" And she nodded and said "Yeah, I'm fine." She just kind of stared off in the empty space in front of her with that same gloomy look on her face. I continued sitting there looking at her, and even though she said she was okay now, my intentions told me to put a hand on her shoulder. So I did. I was a bit nervous as soon as I did that, because as soon as I did, she hid her face in her backpack and began to sob even louder than before. I just sat there rubbing and patting her back, making circles with my thumb, all for only 15 seconds. Then I pulled my hand away and awkwardly continued to look out the window. I noticed that as soon as I pulled my hand away, she seemed to sob and moan a lot more, possibly trying to grab my attention. But her stop was soon and I was still a nervous wreck, so I continued sitting there doing nothing. My stop came soon after, and I looked at her and said "Seeya". She forced a smile on her teary, wet face and said the same. I got off the bus, went home, and thought about what I've observed. Why is it that people begin to break as soon as you touch them?
Based on my own behavior, it's because the touch is a physical stimulation and breaks my concentration on NOT crying. Touch is one of the very first senses we experience, and is certainly the most comforting one. Also, a lot of people are "touch starved" so any form of touch can open emotional floodgates.
That said, I really do NOT like to be touched except by someone I know very well.
caircair wrote:
Based on my own behavior, it's because the touch is a physical stimulation and breaks my concentration on NOT crying. Touch is one of the very first senses we experience, and is certainly the most comforting one. Also, a lot of people are "touch starved" so any form of touch can open emotional floodgates.
That said, I really do NOT like to be touched except by someone I know very well.
Ah, thank you for the insight! So do you think I did a good thing or bad thing by touching her?
Ugh, that first one makes me so jealous. I wish something like that could happen to me! Though it must have been intense if even his mom was crying! Either that or she's an overly involved mom, haha.
What did the boy look like? Was he cute? Sorry, I had to ask! Lol.
Super-Secret wrote:
Ugh, that first one makes me so jealous. I wish something like that could happen to me! Though it must have been intense if even his mom was crying! Either that or she's an overly involved mom, haha.
What did the boy look like? Was he cute? Sorry, I had to ask! Lol.
He was indeed very cute- long-ish dark hair, skinny, brown eyes I *think*. Oh yeah, and he wore a cap the whole ride, but he took it off for his female friend to stroke his hair. I found that pretty adorable!
Last edited by Yowza (May 3, 2015 4:00 pm)
You did what you did out of caring and a desire to make your friend feel better, did you not? And what could possibly be wrong with that? I've been in that situatiuon a timre or two myself, and i've 2 rules I go by. The first is DO NO HARM. The second is, do what you can.
Gosh, the first one sounds like heaven. I totally understand where you're coming from with the nerves in the second one, though. I've definitely backed down from a couple comforting opportunities due to that, myself. I think it does depend on the person and what kind of relationship dynamics you have with them. If I feel either incredibly close with them or if I feel like the "in-charge" one in the relationship (I've had a couple friends in the past who would come to me and open up to me a lot; on the few occasions when I came across one of them crying, I felt braver about putting my arms around them than I would have with someone who tried not to be seen as weak).