England has a contender in the U.K. Crying Olympics, currently dominated by those lachrymose Scots (Tennant, McAvoy, McGregor, Carylye). Clive Owen has quite a number of impressive crying scenes under his belt.
In "Bent", he has THREE just in this one movie. (Edited together here.) Very powerful. He plays a gay man persecuted and imprisoned by the Nazis. Tremendous performance.
Hmmm, maybe we need to start a "Crying Olympics", with awards for best cry face, most realistic cry, most tears, etc.
We've got the Scots team, who should we get for the English, Irish, Welsh, Australian, New Zealand, South African and American teams? Or we could go even more international and also set up German, French, Italian, Indian, Korean, etc. teams as well. (And I forgot the Canadians, they need a team, too.)