It occurs to me that being a melodrama, both shows probably have more male crying worth noting, so I started looking into it and I found this recent thread about the men crying:
A couple posts in, somebody says this about Alex: "Just realized that despite being the "tough guy" of the group, Alex probably has the most crying scenes out of any of the guys pictured. When Ava leaves, when he's talking to Meredith about how he doesn't want Izzie to die, when he says goodbye to Izzie before she goes into surgery, when Izzie codes, when Izzie leaves, when Izzie doesn't show up to her cancer treatments, when Meredith gets attacked by Lou. I never realized how many emotional scenes he had but he does a fine job with them all.Edit 2: Remembered another. Before he gets into the hospital bed with Izzie after giving Webber his sperm for the embryo he cries. He gets emotional talking to Meredith about it but doesn't actually cry until he's in the room with Izzie. That's 8 or so scenes that I could think of. He had a lot to work with."
If anyone can point me toward these scenes or other scenes in this series or Private Practice, please do! (Esp if it's from Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Denny!)
Last edited by PhoebeOnThePhone (March 8, 2022 7:21 pm)