Ok, I didn't imagine it would happen so soon, and I wasn't counting the seconds for it to happen, but it came. Let's tell you how it was!
Before you ask me if I'm okay, no, I'm not, but that's beside the point. Well, this afternoon we were on the court talking to some friends and I was being kind of excluded. I was sad but I wasn't going to cry there. So we left college and went down to my house. When we left school there were 5 people, but three of them left halfway and there were only the two of us left. I said I was very sad and he asked what happened. I didn't say anything, I just said I wasn't well.As we walked, my eyes filled with tears with every step I took.We were near my house when we started talking and he noticed my voice was different and realized I was about to cry. We arrived at the door of my house, and there he hugged me, and held me for two minutes that seemed like 10 years. In this very long hug, a tear flowed down my cheek. It didn't actually fall, but it was there. I was actually shaking a lot, and he squeezed me even tighter (ok, that was cute). Ending this hug, I wiped the tear away in the most pathetic way possible, I didn't even think about it at the time but it was a bad idea to have done it THAT WAY. He said he was going to stay with me and he actually stayed for a few minutes. I kind of stopped crying afterwards, no more tears came out, I was just shaking a lot. We were using our phones, I was a little desperate, he hugged me again, but this time for much less time. Then he said that if I needed him, to send him a message, and that he had to go. He left and I went into the house. And even now I'm kind of shocked... I wanted to go back to that moment, because it was so cute, so comfortable, so incredible, so many good things, it was so brave of me to cry in a public place and in front of someone else. I felt really good and I don't doubt that will happen again soon. Anyway, maybe I'll remember more things and add them to the topic. That's it, see you soon.