Posted by azutid November 25, 2018 6:28 am | #1 |
Gosh, this is embarrassing to admit. I know that this is probably just an irrational teenager thing, but I've been thinking about this for at least a month--since my friend told me that she's bisexual. (I'm female, too, but I'm straight.)
Basically, she hasn't had her first kiss, I haven't had my first kiss, and I don't want to kiss just anyone--I want to kiss her. I'm completely straight, but I've wondered from time to time what it would be like to kiss a girl. I'm curious, you could say. Problem is, we're of the same religion, and our religion teaches us that same-sex relations are not okay.
Gosh, this is a mess...
Let's call her Amy. Amy and I have been friends for about a month now. Considering how long we've been friends, we're pretty close. Another problem arises--time is running out. I'm going to move out-of-state in one month, so if I'm going to make a move, it has to be pretty soon. We've talked about kissing in general, and the fact that we both haven't had our first kisses yet. She has mentioned that (since she's in the theater group at our high school) she doesn't want her first kiss to be a stage kiss. If she had to kiss another actor on stage, she says that she would ask one of her friends to kiss her, just so her first kiss wouldn't be a stage kiss.
As for me... I'm in my late teens, and I've only been on two dates. I'm not the most sociable person, so the odds that I will get my first kiss in high school are very slim. If things are going to go as I expect them to, I probably won't kiss anyone until I'm in college. That seems pretty embarrassing to me. Man, I just want my first kiss to happen already. I know this is impatient of me, but I'm dying to know what it's like.
To give you guys some more details, Amy is a year younger than me. We're in the same Chemistry class at school. School started back in late July, so it took us three months before we even started talking to each other in class. (What can I say--we're both not the most sociable people.) I'm the reason she found out that she's bisexual. She developed a crush on me early in the school year (before we started talking to each other), and she realized--boom, she's bisexual.
My main fear about kissing her is that I will be taking advantage of her. I don't want her to fall for me because I'm straight and I'm moving away. I don't want her to feel pressured into saying yes. I feel like I would especially be taking advantage of her because I'd just be using her to get my first kiss. To me, that seems pretty selfish.
I'm going to stop blabbing and make a pros/cons list.
--we both get our first kiss
--she experiences what it's like to kiss a girl
--I get to see if there's any chemistry for me (I doubt I'm bisexual, but don't knock it 'till you've tried it, I guess?)
--we become better friends because of it
--our friendship is affected negatively
--she feels taken advantage of
--someone might see us kissing and tell our parents
--it's not a sin per se, but it's frowned on in our religion
--she falls for me
--I fall for her
--the kiss is super awkward
I'm going to put a poll up so you guys can vote. I've come up with three possible things I can do:
1) We kiss each other.
2) I test the waters a bit. I play truth or dare with her and ask her if she would be willing to kiss me. Or, to be less obvious, I ask her if she would ever consider kissing a girl. Or maybe I ask her if she was forced to kiss one of her friends, who would she choose. Then, based on her answer(s), I choose option 1 or 3.
3) I forget about the whole thing (AKA we do not kiss each other).
Personally, I'm leaning towards option 2. I'm still on the fence about it, so I'd like to hear what you guys think.
Posted by truffle November 27, 2018 2:08 am | #2 |
From my own experience during high school, I think it's important for you to know it's very difficult to be a female attracted to mostly girls. Crushes had to be very, very secret. My heart was easily broken. If I was in Amy's position and if I was already attracted to you, and if you kissed me just as an experiment with no intention of actually trying to be in a relationship with me or actually loving me, I would feel violated and taken advantage of. Please don't toy with her like this, especially since you're moving away.
Posted by azutid November 27, 2018 3:47 am | #3 |
First of all, thank you so much for responding! Second of all, you are so right. I am mortified I even considered toying with Amy’s feelings like this. I had a clue that it might hurt her feelings, but I wasn’t thinking straight. I am going to keep our friendship platonic, and I will not be testing ANY waters. I’m glad that I asked you guys before I did anything!
Again—thank you for your advice. I am truly in debt to you!
Posted by azutid December 1, 2018 1:42 am | #4 |
Just to update you guys: I got my first kiss today, and it wasn't with Amy.
Life is funny.
Posted by Amans lacrimae Online! December 1, 2018 2:45 am | #5 |
azutid wrote:
Just to update you guys: I got my first kiss today, and it wasn't with Amy.
Life is funny.
Congrats, hope it is with the boy of your dreams, and also hope you liked it
Posted by azutid December 2, 2018 5:22 am | #6 |
Thanks! I enjoyed it a lot.