I find there is a split between male and female criers - although not completely down the middle obviously. Female's generally openly admit that they cry - but are more embarrassed about the reason for their tears. Perhaps it's because female (again generally) cry more often (stats say 70% in the last month, 95% in last year) and perhaps over more trivial things (although I never criticise anyone for crying - you don't know if a lot if little things have built up). But for males, crying is generally less frequent (40% last month, 65% last year) but the view is it takes a bigger event to make a guy cry, therefore it's more justified which results in guys being more embarrassed about the actual crying rather than the reason for the tears.
I suspect it's a bit of both for you... you view the reasons for crying to be private - which is completely ok especially if it opens the door to other private aspects of your life / personality. But also a bit hesitant to admit you cry from time to time. I'm assuming you primarily cry alone, even the misty eye moments. Did tears actually fall during this last event? If so did you allow them to fall or did you wipe them away?