Hi... This is awkward... You can call me Sharon. I'm a 19 yr old girl. I don't even know if this is the right forum for me... Like, this is a forum for people with some kind of fetish for tears, right? Forgive me, I just landed here while I was trying to research a strange, I don't know what to call it, maybe fetish, maybe not, that I have... Well, I've been reading some posts on this forum, and it seems like you guys seem to like other people's tears. Well... I don't know how to say this, but, I kinda like tears too, but not other people's but my own. It's like, it's not overly sexual, but I still get this warm and fuzzy feeling when I cry, which does eerily feel like sexual arousal. Idk, I just like making myself cry for no reason, just because I like the feeling of my own tears. Does that even make sense? So, can you guys help me shed more light on this? Is this the right forum for this? Or am I in the wrong place? And what are the rules? Do you have to contribute regularly? If so, please remove me, I won't be able to contribute regularly. I can talk about tears, tbh, I like talking about my own tears, but don't know if this is the forum for that. Sorry if I sound so naive, I'm just nervous. Please be considerate. Thank you.