So after there is still not one single discussion about dacryphilia in Europe (for information: almost all european storys, community posts etc... where dacryphilia or a fetish in connection with tears is mentioned you can find at the moment in search engines like google was written by me!
I say that just for the people who might search and being irritated about what I'm saying here and I try to delete this statement of the post later so google don't save it too...) I thought about starting to "promote" the fetish a little in public internet. promote = people should start to talk about it...
my target is that everybody who might have something to do with the subject (and my suspicion is that a lot of people in Europe have serious crying issues) get the opportunity to out her/himself. I also think if the "majority" don't think too negative about it, so people feel more normal about it a lot should be possible.
So for the start I plan to start discussions about dacryphilia in 200 different public forumboards. A part of it will be faked up stories (I also want to know what people say about a partner having a such kink), so don't wonder, another part simple surveys.
Some of the members answering in the discussions will be faked using proxyservers (it's just to keep the discussions in the right mood) also a friend of me will help to push the discussions a little up from time to time.
2 little tests in different forums with >1000 users/day already were successfull... I can say that a lot of people in fact don't have reacted that negative at all, if just the right words are used!
The forumboards with the first public outings -where I already did test and can see the potential of discussions- are about psychology, problems, medecine, dependence (drugs), borderline and general fetish boards. If this is successful more outings in general love, general asking and especially women/men but also gay boards are following. Also I thought about "emo"-boards although I haven't tested there yet (but quite a lot of people there post strange fetish fantasies from time to time and reactions mostly seem to be positive) and last but least in every larger public board as off topic subject, but maybe also on facebook?
what do you think about this? Do you see a chance or am I just start to get mad in my head?
If you want I will share the results of the board discussions here... I'm going to start with the first 30 boards (in Germany, Austria, Swiss, France and 1 US-Board) next evening. I could occasionally also post the link of this board (if the discussions are good, or I give some tipps to *potentially interested* people, but I better ask?)
Of course I don't want to attract the wrong people or some *destroyers* (but this danger will be probably everywhere). The other fact is also that everybody who search for related terms -and this will happen! can find this forum within 20 seconds...
Last edited by BadCr (June 12, 2012 6:43 am)