Saturday:I was a sneezy mess. I had woke up that Morning and sneezed 3 times into my arm and sniffled and sighed. I was Stifling sneezes all morning and rubbing my itchy nose. I blew my nose a lot, going through a lot of tissues. By 6pm my nose was red raw itchy and sneezy. i had already sneezed nearly 250 times by that time, and gone through 2 boxes of tissues!!!!!!!!!
Sunday: I woke up Nose all congested and it felt like someone had glued pollen in my nostrils. My eyes were streaming from the minute i woke up! I reached for some tissues and gave my nose a wet blow. I sat up, and sneezed twice, and groaned, it was going to be another horrible day! My nose streamed all day as did the sneezes! My 10am my eyes, were red, puffy, itchy, and streaming so much, i was using a lot of tissues, just wiping my eyes! Nose full of congestion and red. i was constantly needing to blow my nose all day, and was getting sick of it!
Monday: Yet again, nose full of congestion, was constanly sneezing and rubbing my nose. I had work, and stuffed some tissues in my pockets expecting another bad day. My nose was streaming so much, it was like a tap, constantly running. Pockets full of tissues, and soaked from stifling my sneezes into them, and having to constanty wipe my nose! Blowing my nose was a waste of time, so i kept wiping my nose, resulting into my nose being shiny and red.
Tuesday: Woke up with a sneezing fit, that i had to stifle as my gf was asleep next to me. My eyes were flowing!!!!! kept trying to wipe them with a tissue, but they continued to stream, as did the sneezes. By 10am i had sneezed 120 times!!!!!!!!!!!!! My nose was red, my gf was very concerned and kept handing me tissues. I continued to stifle sneezes and wipe my nose, i went through an entire box of tissues in 25 minutes!
Today: Woke up with a roll of toilet paper next to me, tore a strip of it off and gave my nose a snotty honk. i sneezed wetly 16 times and blew my nose again. My gf was asleep again, so i went into the other room, clutching a fistufl of tissues and blew my nose loud and wetly. Today my eyes are so puffy its diffiuclt to see out of them, they are itchy and red, my nose is sore, and i have sneezed well over 250 times today!