Worry wrote:
I'm Worry. I'm a 26 year old female from California. I don't know what about myself is interesting enough to share so I'll be brief. I'm not sure why I'm here completely, but it feels like a good spot to explore my thoughts and feelings and share. I cry almost everyday (I'm okay) it's just who I am. Happy, sad or any intense emotion I can't hold it in. I enjoy being appreciated and it felt right to join here. Tears are a big part of my life so when I see someone else cry I feel connected to them. I'm shy when I first join a community but I'll come out of my shell once I get more comfortable here. Thank you for having me.
Welcome Worry, I hope you find yourself comfortable here in this community, you are free to share whatever you like and if any question feels uncomfortable just say so and we'll understand.
I have a couple of questions for you.
How do you usually cry(a few tears/streams of tears, hide face in hands/wipe tears from face/allow tears to fall unchecked, cry silently/snivel/sobbing and shaking, no facial expression/mild chin tremble and lopsided lip/pronounced lip curl and chin tremble, normal voice/breaking voice/shaking or wavy voice)?
Do you cry alone or look for someone to cry to?
How do people react when you cry (become uncomfortable, comfort you verbally, hug you, wipe your tears)?
How do you react to others crying (comfort verbally, hug, wipe their tears)?