Survey shows that MEN now cry MORE than WOMEN?!?!

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Posted by truffle
June 29, 2023 12:07 am

I remember that there was an old study posted here somewhere that showed that women cried a lot more than men, but perhaps this balance has been shifting?

Modern men just as likely as women to show their sensitive side, survey reveals (

Boys don't cry? Survey finds men actually weep more than women - 4 times a month! - Study Finds

Posted by Amans lacrimae
June 29, 2023 12:14 am

Guess I’m still part of the older generations, as my crying frequency is once every several months (2-4 a year).

Thanks for the interesting info Truffle.

Posted by NeedHerSobs
June 29, 2023 1:40 am

I never used to cry much. Then I went through a horrible period of depression where I often did. Now I don't so much anymore again.

"Bless me now with your fierce tears..."
Posted by CGF
June 30, 2023 1:52 am

That's probably a good thing.  I'm not sure the societal expectation that boys should internalize their emotions, that many of us grew up with, was a healthy thing.  Sure a lot of us turned out just fine, but maybe not all of us did.  There's a reason why historically suicides are higher among men, I believe at least some of those were the men that didn't turn out fine living a life of internalizing their emotions, of having to fight the pains and heartaches of this world alone.   Even the most stoic of us can finally reach a point where it's just too much. 

Last edited by CGF (June 30, 2023 1:53 am)

Posted by tearhunter
December 19, 2023 9:02 pm

There is also another factor that I think is becoming more prevalent and that's men allowing tears to be more visible.

I've heard people (mainly women) say men don't shed tears when they cry. I used to work with a woman that said while she had seen her husband cry several times he never once shed an actual tear.

But, I read a while back that men are just as capable of producing tears as women are. There is a fact that female tears are chemically different which makes women cry more - that may be true but when the emotional button is pushed and a man allows himself to cry the tears will flow just fine.

There was also the view men have bigger tear drainage pipes than women which cause women's tears tears to spill over more readily than men. This is not what I've observed - I've seen a number of men cry and almost all have had no problem getting tears to flow from their eyes.

I've seen several men cry openly with tears rolling freely and visibly down their cheeks - they were not embarrassed to be seen crying - perhaps 10 years or so ago men would hide their tears more - cry alone, blink them away or wipe their eyes directly to hide them. But, I think men have always had the ability to shed tears.

So, questions - for the guys on the forum to answer - and the women to answer for the men in their lives. Have you allowed (seen) tears to roll down you cheeks? Do tears always spill over easily when you cry? Basically tell me about your tears when you cry 

For me... tears come very easily when I cry - if I'm hit with an emotional moment any longer than about 30 seconds tears will be in my eyes at least and will spill over very shortly afterwards. If I'm alone, or in the right company I will allow my tears to roll down my cheeks.


Posted by Amans lacrimae
December 20, 2023 1:03 am

tearhunter wrote:

So, questions - for the guys on the forum to answer - and the women to answer for the men in their lives. Have you allowed (seen) tears to roll down you cheeks? Do tears always spill over easily when you cry? Basically tell me about your tears when you cry 

For me... tears come very easily when I cry - if I'm hit with an emotional moment any longer than about 30 seconds tears will be in my eyes at least and will spill over very shortly afterwards. If I'm alone, or in the right company I will allow my tears to roll down my cheeks.


Answering my first friend in the forum:
Both, I have seen (in other guys) and allowed my tears to roll down my cheeks.
No, I have been emotional and even though I don’t stop them, sometimes the tears choose to stay in my eyes, eventually being absorbed or drained or who knows (maybe Truffle) where they go. I was told once I cry from my nose, that time I was clearly emotional, yet no tears came out of my eyes, my nose was runny though and I swear I didn’t have flu. Other times, I have to admit tears roll all the way down my cheeks in a single streak down the middle of my cheeks, ranging from 1-3 tpm (tears per minute) to 4-6 when I cry harder, even forming a second streak, usually on the outer corner of my eye.

Hope the questions are satisfactorily answered, if not, I’m always open to answer 😉

Posted by tearhunter
December 20, 2023 9:42 am

I have a feeling we are going to have a great number of good chats 

Tears do drain into the nose - I'm no medical expert but as I understand it our eyes are constantly making tears to keep your eyes moist, lubricated and protect again dust etc. These are basal tears and they are produced at such a low volume they drain via the tear ducts at the inner corner of your eyes into your nose without you noticing.

Reflex tears are tears produced in response to irritants like onions or smoke - basically your eyes make lots of tears to flush the irritants out - these can overwhelm the tear duct which is why tears run down your cheek when you chop onions. These tears are mostly water.

Finally there is emotional tears - as you will probably guess they are created when we cry and are under emotional stress. As well as the usual water content they contain different chemicals - can't remember the details but they are basically harmful stress hormones and like most things bad they are expelled from the body as tears - which is why crying can be considered a good and healthy activity to indulge in.   

You probably knew all that but it's a useful bit of information for folks that don't know some of the details.

Back to your tears - thanks you so much for your answer - it's perfect - it confirms you also shed tears when you cry - and your estimated tears per minute can definitely be regarded as flowing tears. I would estimate my tears per minute to between 3-5 tpm at the lower end and probably 10+ when I'm crying hard. But everyone is different I think women cry roughly the same number of tears per minute - perhaps more often to the higher end of the scale.

You mention you have seen other men shed tears - can you give any more details? 

I have seen quite a few men cry - I'll probably do a few observations at some point for detail - but most shed tears down their cheeks. Yes, some ae clearly embarrassed and try to hide the tears or fight to stop themselves from crying - which both sexes do. But when it's uncontrollable or they just let themselves cry the volume of tears is very similar to women in my opinion. 

Posted by truffle
December 20, 2023 10:21 am

tearhunter wrote:

I've heard people (mainly women) say men don't shed tears when they cry. I used to work with a woman that said while she had seen her husband cry several times he never once shed an actual tear.

So, questions - for the guys on the forum to answer - and the women to answer for the men in their lives. Have you allowed (seen) tears to roll down you cheeks? Do tears always spill over easily when you cry? Basically tell me about your tears when you cry 

For me... tears come very easily when I cry - if I'm hit with an emotional moment any longer than about 30 seconds tears will be in my eyes at least and will spill over very shortly afterwards. If I'm alone, or in the right company I will allow my tears to roll down my cheeks.


My husband (yes, husband lol, a lot has changed in my life since you left) is definitely part of the older generations. He cries very infrequently. Months can pass between episodes. However I have seen him cry with different intensities. When he’s fully breaking down, it is truly a downpour of unchecked tears, but this only happens during severe grief or serious issues. During a more normal episode, he will be visibly obviously crying for 5-10 minutes (based on is facial expression, shaky voice, and wet eyes) but maybe one tear will escape per 2-3 minutes, if that. When they do fall, the tears are often large enough to run all the way down his cheek and reach his neck (and he has a big head and big face so that’s quite a distance!) but it’s very few escaped tears. Then he sometimes gets “misty eyed” where he’ll have tears in his eyes but none escape because he’s able to blink them away. 

In contrast, even a brief emotional surge is enough for my eyes to well up completely full, and at least one tear will escape down my cheek even if I would barely classify the episode as “crying”. I have trouble blinking tears away because that action just pushes them out of my eye. 

Posted by Amans lacrimae
December 20, 2023 2:03 pm

tearhunter wrote:

I have a feeling we are going to have a great number of good chats 

Tears do drain into the nose - I'm no medical expert but as I understand it our eyes are constantly making tears to keep your eyes moist, lubricated and protect again dust etc. These are basal tears and they are produced at such a low volume they drain via the tear ducts at the inner corner of your eyes into your nose without you noticing.

Reflex tears are tears produced in response to irritants like onions or smoke - basically your eyes make lots of tears to flush the irritants out - these can overwhelm the tear duct which is why tears run down your cheek when you chop onions. These tears are mostly water.

Finally there is emotional tears - as you will probably guess they are created when we cry and are under emotional stress. As well as the usual water content they contain different chemicals - can't remember the details but they are basically harmful stress hormones and like most things bad they are expelled from the body as tears - which is why crying can be considered a good and healthy activity to indulge in.   

You probably knew all that but it's a useful bit of information for folks that don't know some of the details.

Back to your tears - thanks you so much for your answer - it's perfect - it confirms you also shed tears when you cry - and your estimated tears per minute can definitely be regarded as flowing tears. I would estimate my tears per minute to between 3-5 tpm at the lower end and probably 10+ when I'm crying hard. But everyone is different I think women cry roughly the same number of tears per minute - perhaps more often to the higher end of the scale.

You mention you have seen other men shed tears - can you give any more details? 

I have seen quite a few men cry - I'll probably do a few observations at some point for detail - but most shed tears down their cheeks. Yes, some ae clearly embarrassed and try to hide the tears or fight to stop themselves from crying - which both sexes do. But when it's uncontrollable or they just let themselves cry the volume of tears is very similar to women in my opinion. 

Thank you for the info, in your experience, what would be the average tpm in females?

Also, skipping particular situations, I’ll give two examples, a guy in his early 20’s full blown sobbing in front of a group of over 50+ people, unchecked tears, I couldn’t even count, he was an open faucet, sobbing loudly. The second, in a similar setting, male, cop, late 50s, crying as he gives testimony of his life and how he changed (for good), same group of people.
You can picture the setting as a therapy help.

Posted by tearhunter
December 21, 2023 6:00 pm

I think as an average women do have a slightly greater average tpm than men - and that might be down to the 'chemical fuel' for women's tears and the smaller tears ducts the average woman apparently possesses. This assumes we remove social conditioning and some how get a man and a women to experience the exact same levels of emotion. This would be an interesting experiment.

But it varies - I know there has been times when both my Wife and I have been crying at the same time about the same thing and my tpm has been way more than hers. But on other occasions her tears have flowed noticeably more than my tears. No identifiable reason as to why.



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