Posted by Oriass January 6, 2024 2:59 am | #1 |
Anyone who is following what I say here knows that I talk a lot about me and my crush, and can you guess what I'm going to talk about today?
Today I wanted to talk more about some things that I didn't cover in the other topics, and also things that have been on my mind lately.
Some of you really like to see/hear/read about wiping tears, but unfortunately that won't happen with us, for a few reasons:
He doesn't like physical touch
I'm very embarrassed to do this, so it doesn't happen.
He barely lets his tears flow down his face.
And I'm basically the same as him in these respects.
Another good thing to mention is that I only saw him start crying once. Besides, I caught him in the middle of his crying, and the tears come in waves, and I at most saw him with red eyes, and he even dries his tears before they even touch his face, so it's going to be a bit of a difficult mission to see the happy tears, but I'll keep trying.
I think he must cry in front of his boyfriend, and I wonder if his boyfriend has ever seen tears on his face. I think so, this guy must be very lucky.
Speaking of which, he must let tears flow down his face, but in front of people he trusts; and I need to be one of those people. As? Simple, if I cry in front of him and let some tears be seen, maybe he'll realize that I trust him. Crying in front of him is already something for him to understand our mutual trust, and with this additional detail, his trust in me can increase. I confess that I also don't really like people seeing my tears, but I also trust him, so maybe I can even make a little effort to make that happen. It won't always and not all of my tears that I will "ignore", I will always dry them after a while (a very short time),but long enough for him to perhaps notice them. I even have a way to dry them beautifully.
All I can do is hope that I can finally cry in front of him so I can finally get rid of this weight, and also hope that he trusts me after that. And if he helps me and is a very good person, maybe the situation will repeat itself many times, until the moment it will be common for us to see tears on the other's face. I'm looking forward to this moment coming, when it happens I think I'll come back here and tell you, but for now I think that's it.