Wow, inmyarms, you're a singer? Many years ago I was a singer - not professional, but did perform quite a bit in both choirs and solo. I also did a bit of musical theater in high school, college, and some community.
When I moved to "the big city", I found my opportunities were more limited due to competition, degree of talent available, and work schedule. Now that I'm old(er) my three octave range (F below Middle C to two octaves above Middle C) has narrowed considerably. I'm severely out of practice; the last time I sang in public was at my mother's memorial service. I sang "How Great Thou Art", which I'd also sung at my grandmother's service, and played on the piano at church when we dedicated the piano we bought in my grandfather's name. My father has said it has always been one of his favorites, so I'm already planning on performing it for his service as well. Not sure yet whether I'll have an accompanist, or if I should do it karaoke style with pre-recorded background music.
I really miss acting, though. Based on my vocal range now, I'd love to play the alto role in any of the Gilbert and Sullivan works - especially Katisha, Buttercup, or Ruth.