Hi guys. I am new here. I registered few days ago, but i have been checking this place for quite sometime. I am, like many of you here, interested in men crying. Thats how i discovered this forum (i see you have a real treasure here... :D). And, as many of you, i ve been aware of that fetish my whole life. Even as a girl i was always attracted to men (boys then) crying, especially if they are good looking. I always wanted to have some guy trusting me enough to open up to me and cry. just in front of me. To be privileged somehow. That was always my fantasy. And still is. So, id say it is emotional fetish, but sometimes it can me transformed into sexual fetish too, when it is combined with my other fetish that i also have since forever, and it is belly button fetish. So, my main fantasy (sexually and emotionally) would be if i would have a guy crying in front of me and if i would put my hand on his belly and just feel all his emotions and belly trembling...I am glad im not the only one with crying fetish, but i have a feeling i am the only one with this kind of combination. This is the first time i said (wrote) all. I feel very uncertain about posting it, but ill post it anyway and see what happens. Hope i wont regret it.