I'm 21. I think I actually joined this group when I was about 17 or so (on a different site), because I can remember the first obs I ever posted was a guy friend of mine tearing up on a high school field trip, but I've been into crying all my life. My mom actually told me that when I was really little, if I would start crying, I would run to a mirror and look at myself cry. I find that a little strange now because my dacryphilia doesn't apply to myself, but I guess when I was really little I didn't have a lot of exposure to other people crying so that's where it started.
Like abcd1234, I also went through a life event that kind of negatively affected my dacryphilia for a while, though it wasn't nearly as painful as losing a child would have been (I'm so sorry <3). There was a period of time when my boyfriend was in the military that he went through a very extreme period of depression, and he didn't tell me about it much at all until he had managed to get past it. It's hard to explain, but that was really hard for me, and I think part of why it affected me so much was my dacryphilia. He had always promised me he would come to me if he ever started to feel that way, and I put myself to sleep every night imagining him breaking down in my arms (not because I wanted him to be distressed, but I don't think I really need to explain my motivations to all of you). When I found out that he'd gone through something so painful and emotional without me even knowing, I was completely broken up. Part of me was angry with him for breaking his promise, part of me hated myself for not noticing (despite the fact that we were long-distance), and part of me went through this transformative crisis where I stopped believing that it was possible for two people to share the kind of complete openness and trust that I had always felt that he and I shared (up until then). All those emotions made it impossible to keep from breaking down or feeling sick any time I attempted my old nightly ritual of crying fantasies featuring my boyfriend, and since crying fantasies were the only way I had ever successfully put myself to sleep, I lost a lot of sleep for multiple reasons.
Thankfully, this past year, I've started getting over that hump. I can do my old crying fantasies again without depressing myself, but I've found that I do them much less often than I used to. I don't do them every single night anymore, and I almost never find myself getting lost in them in the middle of the day like I used to (although I've found that happening more frequently in the past month or so than it was before, so that's a good thing). I find it interesting how some people seem to think that fetishes are just our psyche's reaction to trauma, but dacrypilia in particular seems to have the opposite reaction.
Last edited by punkchick (March 25, 2015 3:54 am)