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May 17, 2024 1:17 am  #5901

Re: Movie night

Jarrod turns his eyes to mine saying how much he hopes this is the time we concieve. He hopes it is a baby girl so that Jackson will have a sister to take care of and go to in time of need. He then drops his left hand on my left thigh making it jiggle unrestrained as he wonders out loud if she'd have my beautiful eyes and if they would share precious tears like mine.

I smile as I begin to think about what Jarrod said before replying "I sure hope so too. But I wouldn't mind having a boy either especially if he's half the man you are."


May 17, 2024 1:25 am  #5902

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

As William begins dressing me  he asks if I'd like him to become one with me one last time before we leave the bathroom.

"I think people would start to become a bit suspicious if we spent any more time in here." I reply quickly.

William states that if I don't want him to have another "accident" I should finish dressing myself (my top).

As soon as I'm dressed William and I return to our seats. I barely even have time to sit when I feel him drop his hand on my thigh making it jiggle a bit before I try go flex it hoping no-one (except him) saw.

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May 17, 2024 3:58 am  #5903

Re: Movie night

Liz's POV

It was time for the girls to go back to Washington DC but they came into the shop briefly to say goodbye.

'I'm so sad to leave' Jenny told us, tears running down her cheeks as she handed out the hugs. 'I could eat at your Juice Bar everyday'

Lois had tears running down her cheeks too as she said goodbye. Natalie tried her best not to cry, but soon tears were streaming down her face as well.

We gave them a final wave and off they went.

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

May 17, 2024 4:11 am  #5904

Re: Movie night

Rachel's POV

'Your wearing your boots' Kate said happily as she gave me a hug and a kiss.

'Of course I did' I replied letting a single tear overflow my left eye and stream down my face. 'It's a tradition for our debriefs after all'

Kate wiped my tear and we decamped to the sofa. As usual I read the logbook and my girlfriend played with my boot zips. I had missed the sound.

'I'm thinking of starting up again' I told Kate when I'd finished reading. 'Gemma and Billie have told me I can use their place when I do Boston'

'I'm glad' Kate said, tears running down her cheeks. 'I know how much you love it'

Gently I wiped her tears and we kissed again, playing with each other's hair. Kate took my ponytail out and passed her hands through the loose fronds as tears streamed down my face. I loved her so much. She wiped my tears and we kissed again

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

May 17, 2024 5:26 am  #5905

Re: Movie night

I can’t help my heart skipping a beat and a smile form on my face as I feel my sexy Princess’ quads jiggle unrestrained as
I wonder how perfect would my baby girl would be.

Camilla smiles as she replies. "I sure hope so too. But I wouldn't mind having a boy either especially if he's half the man you are."

I  smile, and, jiggling her sexy thigh in my hand once more, I reply: “I bet more people would appreciate a girl with legs as beautiful as yours and eyes as breathtaking as yours.” I stop for a second and continue: “My mind and soul feel like having a fifth round but my body isn’t responding, you are so beautiful, sensitive and sexy, I can never have enough of you.” I jiggle her thigh one last time and pull her against my body, giving her my warmth before we both drift off to sleep.


May 17, 2024 5:37 am  #5906

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

As I feel Anna’s quads jiggle, I am surprised feeling she flexes her thigh, making it stop jiggling and become firm all of a sudden. I turn and look into her eyes: “What happens my love, did you suddenly disliked the feeling of my hands dancing with your sensual muscles bouncing and jiggling, or, do you feel self conscious all of a sudden? I have to admit more than one guy would do anything to be in my place and be the lucky man who jiggles your sexy muscles.”

I give her thigh another soft, loving pat.


May 17, 2024 8:41 pm  #5907

Re: Movie night

Jarrod smiles hearing my last statement replying how he bets more people would appreciate a girl with legs as beautiful as mine and eyes as breathtaking as mine. He then confesses his mind nd would desire to have a fifth round with me but that his body is just too tired. I then feel him jiggle my thigh one last time before pulling me close.

The next thing I know it is morning. Although not extremely early when I awake I know that we will be leaving the cruise in just a few hrs so I decide to just let Jarrod continue sleeping as I get up and tend to Jackson.

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May 17, 2024 8:47 pm  #5908

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

As soon as I flexed my legs I saw William look at me with a slightly confused look on his face. He asked why I flexed my legs so suddenly. If I was starting to dislike his hands on them or if I just became a bit self conscious. Then he tried to ease my mind saying he knew many guys would do anything to be in his place, before giving my thigh another soft pat.

I blushed a bit as I explained. "It has nothing to do with disliking the feeling of your hands on my legs at all. I guess it is more of a self conscious thing as there are so many people around who could potentially see. (Not just the people sitting, but the people walking by such as people passing us to go to the restroom and even the flight attendants).

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May 17, 2024 8:55 pm  #5909

Re: Movie night

Isabel's pov:

When I heard what had happened to Enid on her cruise, although an accident, I kind of wished she hadn't gone at all.

After a couple weeks of Enid recovering two beautiful ladies came in saying they were waitresses from the cruise and were recommended by Tristan to visit the shop sometime. I directed them to Tristan who immediately seated them. He then informed them of what had hsppened to Enid and said they could go upstairs later to see her.

Upon returning to my duties I whispered to Emily "I can't seem to get the blue haired girl out of my mind, and if I wasn't taken I'd definitely try asking her out."

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (May 17, 2024 8:56 pm)

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May 19, 2024 3:21 pm  #5910

Re: Movie night

When I wake up, Camilla is already out of bed, I stretch before standing up and, as I’m stretching, I see Camilla come back to bed, her sexy thighs wobbling naturally as she walks relaxed: “Good morning sexy, thank you for giving me your sensual thigh muscles jiggling as my first sight of the day, you just brought to my mind the incident with the kid yesterday, how he made Enid jump and as she crashed her thigh against yours your muscles resisted more than hers, it was so hot I couldn’t refrain to make love to you breaking my personal record, I hope you’re not too sore for a last round in the cruise, I would love to conceive a baby boy during this cruise, so I can go on tour the next couple of months, of course you can come if you like, but during the critical months of the pregnancy we’ll be in a low season in school and in concerts.”


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