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May 23, 2024 7:42 am  #5931

Re: Movie night

Kirsty's POV

Me and Samantha were riding back from Scarborough on the train. We had taken a three day trip to the Yorkshire seaside  resort so my sister could see Thalia

My sister was keeping her new relationship secret as she didn't think mum would approve or even understand the concept of bisexuality. She only just understood that I was a lesbian. Me and Sophie - and my ex before her - had to be super careful when we met in the house so as not to antagonise her.

'At least tell Kate and Sophie' I begged her, tears running down my cheeks. 'They love you, and they'd hate to see you in so much pain. Kate especially'

Tears began streaming down Samantha's face

'You're right, I should' she replied wiping her tears. Another batch streamed from her eyes. 'I will next time I see them'

She wiped her second batch of tears and the remaining tears in her eyes. I wiped my tears too and we silently watched the scenery flash by us

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

May 23, 2024 7:49 pm  #5932

Re: Movie night

After only five min I feel Jarrod reach the point filling me up which almost instantly makes me reach the point and start bathing his member. As soon as we come down we quickly get dressed as he tells me this is the one memory from the cruise he is going to keep for the entire trip back home. I smile as we finish getting ready, grab Jackson and head to breakfast.

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May 23, 2024 7:54 pm  #5933

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William finally tells me he can see my point. He then suggests we look at the fittest athlete I can think of and see how/if their legs jiggle. I agree as he has already began turning on the airplanes WiFi.

William asks me who he thinks is the most fit athlete. I immediately answer without a second thought that it would have to be Olympic gymnast Simone Biles.

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May 24, 2024 2:26 am  #5934

Re: Movie night

After having a nice breakfast, we get ready to leave the cruise. As we get in the taxi, Tristan, Enid, William, Anna, Camilla and I, share a good time. As we are bantering lightly, I drop my right hand on Camilla's left quads (more than sure she wouldn't mind allowing her sexy muscles to jiggle in front of my brother, sister in law, and good friends) in the most casual manner. 

When we get on the plane (I'll drive from NY to MA), Enid breaks down crying hard, a pain in her leg seems to be bothering her. She gets first aid attention in the plane then, when we land, we go straight to the hospital, where she break down crying even harder, if that's even possible. I have never seen her cry like that, I can't help but lean and give her my best words of comfort as I wipe and kiss (mostly wipe, as I kiss just a few) her streams of tears off her cheeks.

When she is calmer, Camilla and I excuse ourselves and start our long drive home.


May 24, 2024 2:36 am  #5935

Re: Movie night

William's POV:

I quickly start looking for Simone Biles on YouTube and surprisingly the first video that shows up, shows her doing an artistic choreography, her left posterior thigh wobbles noticeably as she makes an abrupt movement. I turn to look at Anna then back to the video. As we watch it until the end, I feel a big smile form in my face as I see Simone walking with her muscles relaxed, her very developed muscles wobbling more than noticeably with each step as she walks towards her trainer.

I can't help but turn to Anna: "Your idol just gave me an idea, I would love to see you walking like your role model does, I think I would have a permanent tent if you allowed yourself to walk that way." I drop my hand on her quads once more, testing if she had taken her idol's confidence.

Afterwards, feeling a bit bold, I search Simone Biles crying, feeling my heart going faster but quickly disappointing because she wipes her eyes to prevent tears from rolling down her cheeks.


May 24, 2024 9:05 pm  #5936

Re: Movie night

We are having a good time on the ride to the airport; Jarrod even dropping his right hand on my left quad. I notice Enid is rather uncomfortable on the plane; even breaking down crying requiring medical treatment on the plane.

Afterwards we all decide to accompany Tristan and Enid to the hospital. Once there I notice Jartod can't help but pay close attention to Enid as she breaks down, crying harder than on the plane. Despite Jarrod and my long four hr drive home from NY we decide to stay just a bit to comfort her. I watch as he kisses and wipes multiple tears and their streaks off her cheeks before we both offer her words of comfort before we leave.

"I've never seen you be that attentive to anyone you weren't related to. I guess her situation brought out the desire to comfort in you." I remark as we walk out of the hospital.

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May 24, 2024 9:16 pm  #5937

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William quickly finds a video of Simone Bikes as we eagerly watch it. I look back and forth between William and the video a few times only to see a smile forming on his face.

As soon as the video was over William surprised me by saying he got an idea from the video explaining that sometime he'd like me to try to walk just like she did. And that he knew that'd give him a permanent tent. He then dropped his hand on my quads again; this time I took a deep breath and (just a bit nervously) let it jiggle in his hand.

I notice William starts looking for another video. I decide to watch with him. Unfortunately after a few attempts he gives up and says he couldn't find exactly what he was looking for.

"What exactly were you looking for?" I ask curious.

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May 24, 2024 10:56 pm  #5938

Re: Movie night

Hearing Camilla, I reply: “I have a hard time seeing pain, especially in people close to me, Enid and Tristan have become quite good friends.” I drop my hand on her thigh as I drive the long drive home: “But at this moment, I just want to get home and go to the couch or to bed with you, I really want to cuddle with you and feel your body against mine.”

I give her sexy thigh a couple of firm, loving pats (hoping to feel her sexy muscles jiggle in my hand).


May 24, 2024 11:12 pm  #5939

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Feeling Anna’s quads jiggle with very little resistance then asking me what I am looking for, I reply: “I remember seeing Simone in the Tokyo games and her inner posterior left thigh wobbled more than noticeably as the camera was pointing at her rear during the first ten seconds of an artistic routine.”

I teasingly slide my hand to her inner thigh in an upward motion until I feel the hem of her shorts, stopping there to give her a few full of lust and desire pats.


May 25, 2024 3:09 pm  #5940

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

As Isolde sits and the girls continue to work in the coffee shop, I sit next to her and, dropping a hand in her exposed thigh, ask: “How did you find out about Enid’s injury?” I remove my hand from her thigh feeling I am trespassing boundaries I shouldn’t cross: “I think we should stay being friends, I really love my wife, plus she’s the woman God sent to me to love, care, protect and make happy.”


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