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June 17, 2024 9:27 pm  #6071

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

I notice my thigh jiggle brings William's tent back. He whispers quickly asking if we can wait until we reach the hospital. He'd rather not wet his pants again (arousing too much suspension).

After only a few more quick min we reach the hospital and everyone gets out of the cab except Enid. Tristan gets her a wheelchair. I grab William by the hand and excuse ourselves to the restroom saying we'll meet them in the emergency room shortly.

As soon as William and I enter the bathroom I ask him "Which way would you prefer us? I want to make sure to give you maximum pleasure (after all the teasing in the cab)."


June 17, 2024 9:58 pm  #6072

Re: Movie night

Hearing Camilla and feeling her sexy thighs jiggle just the way I love and her hands wiping my tears of pure bliss and happiness,  elicits another tent.

I discreetly shake her thighs making them jiggle once more in my hands: “My tears are just for you to wipe, kiss or enjoy in your skin, just as you offer me your body and emotions without restraint.”


June 17, 2024 10:49 pm  #6073

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

As soon as the cab stops, Jarrod, Camilla, Anna and Tristan quickly get out of the cab (I guess the sense of emergency has that effect on them. I look at Enid’s tear streaked face and watery eyes, give her thigh a reassuring pat, surprised to feel it jiggle quite noticeably (as her thighs are almost as toned as Camilla’s were before her pregnancy) and say: “Don’t worry, we’re with you and we won’t let you down.”

I get out of the cab and Anna takes my hand, rushing to the bathroom, walking as fast as she can. Once inside the bathroom, Anna asks which position would I like to become one with her. I smile and tease her: “Does it have to be just one? I have enough seed for far more than one. But if it has to be only one, I would say you could place one leg on the toilet giving your back  to me, that way I could indulge in your sexy calves as they jiggle just for me and you could enjoy a particularly wonderful angle so you could enjoy like you rarely get to. My second best option would be sitting in the toilet as you ride me as hard or soft as you desire (giving me her thighs and calves jiggle unrestrained).


June 18, 2024 4:02 am  #6074

Re: Movie night

Jessica's POV

We had reached Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and were walking round looking at the various animals.

Me and Jennifer had found some really cute monkeys. They were so cute and so lovely, tears began streaming down my face.

'You big softy' my wife said affectionately. I gave her a kiss oblivious to the tears still on my cheeks. Jennifer wiped her face and I did the same.

Liz and Sadie were on the opposite side looking at something else but they soon joined us and we moved on

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 18, 2024 4:07 am  #6075

Re: Movie night

Billie's POV

Me and Rachel had reached the end of our challenge on the Boston T. It hadn't been completely plain sailing, we had a breakdown travelling into Downtown Crossing and had to leave the train early. Luckily my knowledge of Boston put us back on track but we did need a double back.

We both hugged on the platform, tears running down our cheeks.

'Thank you for letting me go on this trip' I said to Rachel. 'It was good fun'

'Your welcome' she replied. We wiped out tears and I volunteered to pay for the taxi back home

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 18, 2024 4:47 am  #6076

Re: Movie night

Robyn's POV

'Hello' Milly greeted when she met me and my besties in the coffee shop. She shook Susan and Marie by the hand.

'It's so nice to see you, Robyn's told me so much about you'

The girls eyes welled with tears.

'Are you enjoying Oxford' Milly continued and Susan and Marie wiped their tears as they nodded, clearly not wanting to cry in public.

We let Milly go and took a seat, checking up on Poppy and Jen in NY. Amit and Edward had joined in the Halloween festivities too.

'You must come to NY at Christmas' Susan told me and Marie as tears streamed down her face. 'They'll be so pleased to see you'

We promised we would and we ordered our drinks

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 18, 2024 11:19 pm  #6077

Re: Movie night

I reach my right hand across to reach Jarrod's left cheek where I tenderly begin to wipe his still falling tears and their streaks with the backs of my fingers. I then feel him shake my thighs again. I let them jiggle unrestrained, yet again to his pleasure. He then whispered in my ear that his tears are mine and mine only to wipe, kiss or feel on my skin without restraint just as I give him my body and emotions without restraint.

"I'll make sure to do my best to save my tears for when you can take care of them, but if I can't I'll actively seak you out to take care of them." I say as I feel I have to offer him something as a compliment to his bold offering.

     Thread Starter

June 18, 2024 11:25 pm  #6078

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

Answering my questing William says he could go for more than one round, hut due to the circumstances he'd prefer our only round to either be facing away from him with one of my legs on the toilet seat (the best way for him to enjoy my thigh and calf jiggles) or him sitting on the toilet with me riding him (my thighs and calves unrestrained).

Without even a sec to think I immediately decide and playfully push William onto the toilet in a seated position indicating I chose to ride.

     Thread Starter

June 18, 2024 11:27 pm  #6079

Re: Movie night

Hearing Camilla, I, a bit surprised, ask: "Even if it happens to be in public?" I feel my tears stopping as I feel her sexy and extremely sensual thighs jiggle unrestrained in my hands.


June 18, 2024 11:31 pm  #6080

Re: Movie night

William's POV:

Feeling the playful push, I quickly take my shorts and t-shirt off, inviting Anna to ride: "Come here my valkyrie queen and ride your steed as hard or soft as you wish. No matter how you ride your royal thighs and calves will jiggle in a heavenly way."


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