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June 28, 2024 12:33 am  #6141

Re: Movie night

Hearing Camilla’s response, I start kissing the side of her neck slowly and very sensually, leaving a train of kisses on her shoulders, arms, abs, thighs (outer, front and inner), and calves, my hands following behind the same trail, caressing and playfully squeezing and shaking some muscles (mainly thighs and calves) before entering extremely slowly and with a circular motion that touches all her sensitive spots.

I lean (still moving circularly inside her) and kiss the side of her neck and crashing lovingly on her lips as I cup her cheeks.


June 28, 2024 12:37 am  #6142

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Anna and I leave the hospital and relatively quickly, reach home. As soon as we’re in the living room, I tell her: “Ready for another round of sheer pleasure?”


June 28, 2024 10:33 am  #6143

Re: Movie night

Emily's Partners POV

I was walking back to the main house after smashing one of the Pool House windows. I stopped a little on the path as Emily was in the dining room. She'd already smashed one window and was now breaking her second.

I watched her for a few minutes, tears streaming down my face. I didn't know why I was crying buy there was something so beautiful about how she broke windows.

After she had smashed her second dining room window, she moved onto the third and final one.

Wiping my tears, I returned to the house and after donning my goggles again, smashed the two windows by the front door.

Emily was looking for another to break, so I reminded her about the pool house.

'I've left one for you' I informed her. 'They are nice and big' Tears ran down Emily's cheeks and she was so pleased.

While she was away, I chose to break the kitchen windows. After they were smashed there was only one window we both hadn't broken yet. The middle one in the hall.

Emily soon returned after my final window was broken. The heaps of broken glass were cleared away and Audrey's friends started repairing

Emily wondered what we could do now, but Audrey was willing for us to come again.

Later on when me and my partner were back in our hotel room, I did suggest Mirabelle as a potential option, given that she let me smash her windows.

Emily seemed a bit wary so I didn't press it. We both kissed on the bed

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 28, 2024 10:42 am  #6144

Re: Movie night

Sadie's POV

Natalie was happy to see me back giving me a hug as I walked into the changing room, tears running down her cheeks.

She filled me in on how the rest of our friends were doing. Emma apparently had been gifted a box of films by one of her relatives and was enjoying them a lot.

'There's quite a few weepies too.' Natalie confessed. 'We've both had tears streaming down our faces quite a bit'

'I'm glad you're enjoying them' I replied, secretly a little jealous. We finished getting ready

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 28, 2024 9:10 pm  #6145

Re: Movie night

Jarrod begins slowly and sensually kissing the sides of my neck, shoulders, arms, abs, thighs and calves; his hands following every kiss caressing, squeezing and shaking every muscle making a shiver of pleasure run up my spine every time before slowly entering.

I moan in pleasure as I feel him lean in and begin alternating between kissing the sides of my neck and my lips while also delicately cupping my cheeks. I felt in heaven like never before.

I let out another moan as I felt myself getting closer and closer to the point trying to hold off so I could continue to enjoy his every touch just a bit longer.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (June 28, 2024 9:12 pm)

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June 28, 2024 9:18 pm  #6146

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

Shortly after Jarrod and Camilla left William finished taking care of Enid's tears and we bid our farewell asking Tristan to keep us posted.

William and I reached home fairly quickly as we didn't live too far away. As soon as we got in and got Annabelle situated (diaper, bottle, in bed) he asked me if I was ready for another round.

"Honestly, I'm a bit tired but who can say no to that invitation." I tease slightly.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (June 29, 2024 4:17 pm)

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June 29, 2024 12:54 am  #6147

Re: Movie night

Feeling Camilla starting to squeeze my tent as it slowly touches her most responsive areas and the sound of her sensual moans, occasional at first, then more frequent and louder, I bring my hands to her outer thighs, sliding them to her quads, inner thighs and back several times, waiting for the moment in which they start to wobble on their own as she, in spite of trying to delay the moment, reaches and impending peak of blissful joy.


June 29, 2024 12:57 am  #6148

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Hearing my sexy wife is tired but willing to please, I propose: “How about you relax completely and allow me to do all the work, and, if you feel like doing anything, feel free to do it without even asking.”

I slowly guide her to bed and even slower take off her clothes, patting her thighs and calves: “Just relax, my queen, just relax and enjoy the ride.”


June 29, 2024 4:08 am  #6149

Re: Movie night

Billie's POV

My family was wanting us all to be together at Christmas, so they had arranged for us all to fly over to England so we could be with Robyn and Caitlin, as it was nearing the time they had to make a decision to get married

I told my family I could pay my contribution and they agreed.

Once we had the logistics all planned out I hung up.

Thinking of the girls caused tears to run down my cheeks. Their relationship was so beautiful, I couldn't help crying.

Gemma took my hands in hers and played with my fingers as my tears continued their silent paths.

Eventually I decided to pull myself together and wiped my face, and we started to get ready for our evening meal

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 29, 2024 4:17 pm  #6150

Re: Movie night

As I'm in pure bliss (trying to delay the point) I feel him move his hands to my outer thighs, sliding them sensually to my quads than inner thighs several times. I know he is trying to get me to reach the point. I close my eyes trying to drink in every sensation. After a few sec I feel my breathing and heart rate increase indicating I am about to reach the point. I bite my lip (sensually) as I hold my breath...

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