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August 18, 2024 5:05 am  #6401

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Feeling it’s taking an eternity for Anna to catch up with me, I let her know: “My love, your extreme beauty and sensuality are too much to handle, I’m exploding now.” I give her my all in a couple more very strong thrusts and very hard muscle shakes, exploding in a very intense way.


August 18, 2024 3:57 pm  #6402

Re: Movie night

The semester finishes in record time and we make plans to visit my sister as well as my mother and Jarrod's parents during the Christmas break. We decide to only spend a few days at each seeming as how we need to fit three visits into our holiday break.

Jarrod's parents are only a three drive so we decide to visit them first seeing my mom next and Sadie last as she is the farthest.

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August 18, 2024 4:03 pm  #6403

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

All of a sudden I hear William confess that my beauty and sensuality are too much and he is about to explode (and can't delay it any longer). I feel him give me a couple more strong thrusts and muscle shakes before becoming stiff as he reached the point and started to intensely fill me up. Those last two thrusts and shakes was all it took and I felt myself also become stiff as I also reached the point as I started simultaneously bathing his member.

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August 19, 2024 4:03 am  #6404

Re: Movie night

Sophie's POV

Me and Kirsty decided to spend the day together on the last day of the holidays. We took advantage of a quiet house and put both our booted legs on the sofa.

'I wish we could stay here forever' Kirsty said, tears streaming down her face. 'I miss having you at Uni so much'

Tears began streaming down my face too. I tenderly brushed Kirsty's tears away and passed my fingers through her ponytailed hair.

Kirsty wiped my tears too and we kissed again. We continued to chat fondling each other's booted legs.

Samantha came in to the living room while we were chatting. She looked a touch unhappy, her own eyes looking like they had recently had tears in them

'Me and Thalia had an argument' she said. 'She's sick of hiding our relationship and she wants me to tell mum' Her eyes began filling but she wiped them away.

'I wish I could still be with Damien' she said, a tear escaping from her eye and falling onto her right cheek where it stayed unmoving. 'I was happy then, he made me feel like a princess' She couldn't hold back her sobbing anymore and collapsed in tears.

Me and Kirsty gave her a tender hug, tears running down our cheeks

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

August 19, 2024 3:01 pm  #6405

Re: Movie night

Before we leave, I take Camilla to a very fancy clothes store for women, as we walk towards the store in the prestigious suburb, I confess: “I would love to feel your sexy thighs jiggle like they did during our last love making session, I would love to feel my hand drop on your sexy and breathtaking thigh and feel it jiggle completely unrestrained, as freely and naturally as it can, especially while we enjoy our holidays with our relatives.”


August 19, 2024 3:10 pm  #6406

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

I feel in heaven as Anna and I hit peak at the same time, my hands on her sexy thighs as they wobble in ecstasy, I feel I got her pregnant with the most handsome baby boy in the world.

I continue my work in IT and Anna in massage, we continue having details with each other and very intense sexual encounters. I take her to the movies to watch everything, from action, comedy, drama, chick flicks (hoping to get to wipe and kiss her precious tears), we go hiking, take walks on the beach and park, and we take the time to go to the gym.

A few months go by…


August 19, 2024 8:17 pm  #6407

Re: Movie night

Jarrod surprises me before we leave taking me to a very fancy clothing store. As we walk towards the store he says he'd love to pick out (and purchase) an outfit for me only request is that I let him feel my thighs jiggle like they did during our last love making, completely unrestrained as his hand drops on it. Even in front of our relatives.

"Would you mind showing me what outfit you have in mind (once we get in the store and you see something you like) and I'll try to leave an open mind (about my thighs)." I say trying to force myself to keep an open mind.

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August 19, 2024 8:47 pm  #6408

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William and I have a very busy yet fulfilling next few mos focusing hard on our work, him on IT and myself on massage, on Annabelle, going to the movies, hiking, walking on the beach and park and working out at the gym.

One day nearing the end of fall William gets a phone call from his parents informing him Jarrod and Camilla will be visiting them at the beginning of their Christmas holiday (before visiting her mom, then sister). They ask us if we'd like to join them (and surprise Jarrod's and Camilla) for their small visit.

"I don't see why not. It'd be nice for Annabelle to spend some (more) time with family." I say hoping he's up for it.

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August 20, 2024 5:57 pm  #6409

Re: Movie night

I see a mannequin with the complete outfit and I ask Camilla: “What do you think? Like it? I’m not so sure about the smiley face beach shoes, I don’t know if you like them.” I retrieve the outfit from the rack and give it to Camila: “Would you like to try it?” I give her a full of love and desire look.


August 20, 2024 6:25 pm  #6410

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

There is an open class for toddlers in martial arts at the gym Anna and I go, it will last the four weeks of November. Anna and I agree on taking Annabelle, we could use a good workout as well.

On the first class, we notice the weather is controlled in order that the toddlers don’t get too cold, so on the second class day, Anna and I decide to wear shorts. As we have our attention in Annabelle as she learns basic moves, all of a sudden, a kid (who surely is in his second half of elementary) runs from where he’s seated, next to her mother and runs in our direction, his hands flying all over the place, impacting several kids in their face or body and some adults (both male and female) on their thighs.

As soon as he runs about 5 feet, his father sprints towards him, trying to stop his hands from impacting other people, the gentleman catches up with the child right in front of us, accidentally hitting Anna’s outer thigh just before lifting his son from the ground.


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