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August 31, 2024 1:10 pm  #6441

Re: Movie night

Jessica's POV

Me and Jennifer had just completed our Valentine’s Day meal and were walking to our favourite view point looking out over the sea.

My wife gave me an embrace from behind as she rested my head against mine.

Tears began running down our cheeks as we surveyed the water rippling and the boats moving in and out. Although we had made the right decision to move near Sadie we would miss this view.

Me and Jennifer released our hug and I drank in my wife's tears for a few seconds. The light glistening off her cheeks made her look so beautiful. We wiped each other's tears and kissed

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

August 31, 2024 3:03 pm  #6442

Re: Movie night

As soon as I emerge from the dressing room with my shorts back on I quickly notice a tent in Jarrod's shorts. He must have noticed I noticed (as he wasn't even bothering to try to hide it) as he told me that he was surprised how easy I could bring him to desire. He then asked me if I'd wear my new outfit on Christmas at his parent's. I agreed happily.

Jarrod and I then went to pay. As we finally headed out of the store he asked me where I'd like to go next as we only have two days left before we leave for our trip.

"Well seeing as how this is our first time leaving Jackson with a babysitter I don't think we should be gone too long, but seeing as how we're already out I think it'd be nice if we went somewhere to get you a new outfit too." I said smiling at the thought.

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August 31, 2024 3:12 pm  #6443

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William replies to my confession by thanking me for sharing my insecurities with him but adding that in his eyes he thinks I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. That being said if it would give me more confidence he offered to spend more time with me at the gym, or even buy some exercises equipment for our house.

Through my still blurry vision I see a pair of thick tears escape William's eyes and begin their way down his cheeks. Immediately my heart melted as I know how much it takes for him to open up, especially in front of others. I couldn't help myself and immediately brought both of my hands to cup his cheeks and began using the pads of my thumbs to brush away the pair of tears that were still rolling down his cheeks.

I secretly hoped I hadn't embarrassed William too much.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (August 31, 2024 3:13 pm)

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August 31, 2024 10:52 pm  #6444

Re: Movie night

I proudly walk with the firm tent in my pants and my arm around Camilla’s waist. When she suggests to get an outfit for me too, I ask: “What do you think would be more fitting, a smoking, a suit, or a semi formal winter outfit, could be a sweater and jeans or dress pants if you like?”

We walk towards men’s clothing stores…


August 31, 2024 11:47 pm  #6445

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

As I feel Anna’s hands cupping my cheeks, wiping my tears, I blush, having mixed feelings; on one hand, I love Anna’s hands lovingly taking care of my tears, there is no one’s hands in which I would rather have my tears in, on the other hand, I feel embarrassed for potentially being seen by men and women who will continue seeing me in the gym for, perhaps, a long time.

I go e a smile to Anna: “I have overcome my embarrassment and given my tears to you, do you think you can do the same? Without feeling bad anymore?”


September 1, 2024 4:06 am  #6446

Re: Movie night

Rachel's POV

Meeting Kate for Valentine’s Day was even more emotional for us, now we were engaged.

We took each other's hands as tears streamed down our faces. After wiping them away, we kissed and travelled to our restaurant.

Kate was worried about Samantha. Her relationship with Thalia wasn't looking too good. Kirsty had managed to convince her girlfriend to have a Valentine’s date (in the hope she told us that the atmosphere might help)

'I wish she could be happy' Kate continued as she relayed this story, tears running down her cheeks. 'It sucks so much'

I tenderly wiped her tears and we began to eat

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 1, 2024 3:31 pm  #6447

Re: Movie night

We continue to walk, Jarrod's arm around my waist, as he thinks for a moment he asks what outfit would look best on him a smoking jacket, a suit or formal winter outfit.

"I think a formal winter outfit would be good. I mean we want to look nice but not out do each other." I say as we continue walking this time in the direction of the men's clothing stores.

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September 1, 2024 3:38 pm  #6448

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

As I continue to wipe William's tears I see his face quickly start to flush. Although extremely happy he is letting his guard down enough for me to take care of his tears I also feel a mix of guilt for making him feel so embarrassed.

It was just then William spoke up as a smile started to cross his face. He told me that since he has overcome his embarrassment and given me his tears he hopes I can do the same without feeling bad.

"I promise I'll try, but it's going to take me a bit. I mean I know how much you truly love me and want nothing more than to show me off, but it's just a self confidence thing that may take me a bit more time to work through." I say hoping my confession is enough for him.

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September 2, 2024 7:26 am  #6449

Re: Movie night

Jen's POV

'I want it to be spring' Poppy said to me one day. Tears began streaming down her face.  'I miss my trains, and the girls'

'Me too' I informed her, my own eyes full of tears. Poppy paid for her coffee and her cupcake and went to sit with Amit

We were both post Valentine's Day, and the snow in NY was still lingering. I went back to making coffee, mentally counting down the days till Easter

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 2, 2024 4:11 pm  #6450

Re: Movie night

As we walk, hand in hand, checking outfits in apparels, I ask Camilla: “Do you like any of these? I guess if I chose your outfit, I guess you should choose mine, what would you like to take off me after Christmas Eve?” I smile at her as we look into each other’s eyes, not expecting a young girl in her teens to lose balance and firmly land one hand on my outer thigh and her other hand on Camilla’s outer thigh (as we were facing each other, sideways from the apparel).

My old instincts of exercising, added to my learned instincts in Krav Maga, allow me to flex my muscles in time to prevent them from giving in and jiggling (I think had I not been actively in Krav Maga, she might have caught me by surprise).

I wonder if Camilla’s sexy thigh resists the unexpected impact or gives in and shows an extremely sensual jiggle…


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