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September 13, 2024 2:38 am  #6491

Re: Movie night

I blush as I hear Camilla’s words, just hearing her forms a tent in my pants: “I’d love you to choose an outfit for me, strip me from this, make love like only you know how to, then, dress me in the outfit you choose. If you like it, take it off me, make love again, dress me in my normal clothes then go out and pay the outfit, I am liking the way it sounds.”

We look for outfits in the store we were about to enter when we got interrupted by the girl who patted our thighs.


September 13, 2024 2:47 am  #6492

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

As I cup her cheek, I place Annabelle by my side and motion her to grab my leg and not move. As soon as I take care of Anna’s thick streak, I feel her take my left hand and bring it to her right outer thigh, allowing it to jiggle naturally and unrestrained as she starts to silently sob.

I get startled, as I have never seen Anna sob in public, as soon as her thigh stops jiggling in my hand, I bring it to her cheek, quickly wiping her tears and streaks as I lean and whisper: “What’s wrong my love, would you like me to take you home so we talk in private? What can I do for you to be cheerful like when we came to the gym?”

Annabelle turns to look at Anna, I lower my right hand briefly and tousle her hair, quickly bringing it back to Anna, leaning to kiss a couple of large tears and thick streaks, wiping wave after wave of her precious tears.


September 13, 2024 4:02 am  #6493

Re: Movie night

Jessica's POV

Me and my wife had completed our move to Bellingham, and were now in our new home, just down the hill from Sadie and Liz.

Our new hotel we worked at was very nice indeed and we were both settled in.

When we both had a free day, we went to the Juice Bar for a coffee and a toastie

Natalie was there, and she greeted us with tears running down her cheeks.

'It's so good to see you' she said. 'The girls mentioned you were moving. How has it gone so far?'

'It's perfect' Jennifer told her, tears beginning to fill her eyes. She wiped them before they could fall and we seated at our table

Emma came in as we were eating and paused to give us a hug, as tears streamed down her face.

It was difficult to keep the tears back and so me and Jennifer let them escape and run down our cheeks.

The three of us wiped our tears, we resumed our meal and Emma took a seat to wait for her wife to come out

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 13, 2024 8:57 pm  #6494

Re: Movie night

I see Jarrod blush at my words before replying that he'd love for me to choose him an outfit then make love in the dressing room before he tries it on then again after he tries it on before putting his regular clothes back on.

Jarrod and I eagerly begin to look for the perfect store to go pick him an outfit. After maybe five min we find what I think is the perfect store. We begin quickly looking through the clothes to see if we can find something just right.

Just as I think I've found the perfect outfit we get interrupted by the girl who patted our thighs earlier.

"Excuse me." She says nonchalantly I guess not realizing who we were. It's then she looks up from the clothes. Upon looking at us I notice her face getting red. "Oh, it's you." She says fumbling her words a bit. "I'd really like to apologize for earlier." She continues." I'm a bit taken aback so I don't answer right away.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (September 13, 2024 8:57 pm)

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September 13, 2024 9:17 pm  #6495

Re: Movie night

After a brief moment of me letting my thigh jiggle naturally in William's hand as I silently sob he brings it back to my cheek where I feel him begin to wipe my new wave of tears and their streaks from my cheeks before whispering in my ear asking me what was wrong and if I'd like him to take me home so we can talk in private.

William then removes his hand briefly to tend to Annabelle who I see through my blurry vision is looking at my curiously as I notice she is now also clinging to his leg. I then feel him return his hand before seeing him leaning in to delicately kiss a couple of my thick tears as well as their streaks, wiping their next wave with the pads of his thumbs.

"I'm not really sure what I want." I begin trying to talk through my sobs. I take a deep breath to calm myself so I can get the rest of my words out. "It's just...It's just that I've never really taken your perspective of this situstion into account. I mean after the way you described it I am finally starting to realize just how much you have been sacrificing (coming out of your comfort zone) to please me, but I have been doing nothing to repay you for all your sacrifices. Instead I feel I have basically been refusing to even entertain the idea and now I'm starting to really feel bad about the way I've been." I finally finish my sobs starting to calm, but my tears still flowing unchecked.

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September 14, 2024 12:37 am  #6496

Re: Movie night

As Camilla picks an outfit for me, the girl who stumbled against us interrupts us. Camilla, taken aback, doesn’t answer, I take charge of the situation: “Hey, I thought you could get hurt, I’m glad I could catch you before you fell, I guess you were distracted. Don’t worry, we’re ok, as a matter of fact, I think we’re better than ok. I have the most beautiful woman in the world for a wife, who could ask for more?”


September 14, 2024 12:42 am  #6497

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Seeing Anna sobbing, apparently unashamed, plus, hearing her words, I reply: “You are just doing what you mentioned you were not doing, I mean, you pulled my hand to your thigh, making your thigh jiggle with your own pat, and now, crying, even sobbing unashamed in front of all the passersby, I never asked you to do this, yet, you’re giving me your full trust and your full love and repentance, I would never ask for more, be sure I will give it back to you with love.”


September 14, 2024 4:10 am  #6498

Re: Movie night

Kate's POV

The night of the Lawrence Olivier awards  coincided with our end of semester dinner. Me and Beth were more excited than we could express in words, so goodness knows what Evie was going through.

Luckily there was lots to keep us busy, as our time at Drama School came to an end.

Rachel and me, had a discussion on where  we would live following our marriage, and she suggested a place near Rayners Lane Tube Station.

'That way you can get into Central London for auditions quickly' she said.

She'd also recommended me to the Housekeeping Manager in her hotel, so I would have a job to go to, until I had my first acting gig.

The dinner wound down and me and Beth found a quiet corner to see the results. We couldn't help screaming with delight, when we found out she had won the award.

'I'm so happy for her' Beth exclaimed, tears running down her cheeks. I was crying too, as the newest winner of the Olivier Award for Best New Play gave her speech.

Understandably Evie was very emotional, dedicating her prize to her late mum and thanking her original original cast for our performances that incredible first night at sixth form college.

I wiped my tears away and felt so proud of her, but sad that Cassie wasn't there to see it.

Beth finally managed to get her tears under control and after checking our faces for lingering tear stains, we joined the rest of the party

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 14, 2024 3:21 pm  #6499

Re: Movie night

Jarrod takes control of the situation saying he thought she was going to get hurt if he didn't catch her, but that he was glad he did. He then tells her not to worry and that we're both ok. Surprising me a bit when he ads that he might even be better than ok as he has the most beautiful women in the world for a wife.

She gives Jarrod an a proving smile as she goes back to her shopping. I turn slightly to look at him and give him a big smile. "That was very sweet of you. Now shall we go back to our shopping as well?" I ask quickly.

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September 14, 2024 3:31 pm  #6500

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William replies a bit confused saying I just did what I mentioned I wouldn't do (placing his hand on my thigh as I made it jiggle with my own pat. And even crying openly in front of potential passers by). He reminded me he never asked me to do it but since I was giving him my full trust and full love he would never feel the need to ask for more.

"I just figured it was high time I tried my best to come out of my comfort zone to please you like you have been doing for me and this was the best (most immediate) way I could. I mean I don't want you to think or me to feel like this is a one sided relationship. It genuinely hurts me now that I really realize your efforts. You were giving your all to me and I was giving you nothing in return." I say as I slowly turning my head away from him feeling kind of ashamed of the way I was treating him, yet knowing what he's asking for is going to be a slow work in progress for me.

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