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September 14, 2024 6:31 pm  #6501

Re: Movie night

With a light blush at Camilla’s compliment (I’m not used to her complimenting me) and a smile (knowing what shopping means today) I take her hand: “Lead the way (knowing we’re going straight to the dressing room, eagerly expecting Camilla to strip me out of this, make love in the most intense way (both emotionally and physically), dress me in the outfit she likes, then I hope to have a second round, finally getting dressed and paying the outfit.


September 14, 2024 9:20 pm  #6502

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

As Anna’s sobs, then tears, subside, I lean and kiss the last tears off her cheeks, kissing her thick tear streaks as well, wiping the remaining streaks off her cheeks until not a single wet spot remains.

Anna turns away from me, I delicately take her face and gently turn it so I look directly into her still watery eyes as I softly say: “My love, how do you feel? Did you release your pent up emotions? Would you like to have a walk to clear your mind and, maybe, talk with me, or would you rather go home?”

As soon as I finish talking, Annabelle releases my thigh and plants both hands as firm as a child can, on Anna’s quads. Since I turned to look at Annabelle from the moment she released my thigh, I see Anna’s thighs…


September 15, 2024 2:14 pm  #6503

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

As I was giving my full attention to Robyn and Marie, sharing the recipes with them so they could share them with their long distance friends, I notice a woman, unknown to me (as I’m not much into movies or theater) being rude to Isabel.

By the time I was about to go and see what was happening, Isabel took care of her. Still, I approach Isabel and, walking her to my office, I encourage her to release all her negative feelings in order to be able to continue her shift better, all negative emotions out.

I make sure to comfort her with reassuring pats on her thighs and wiping all her tears and streaks. I have so many things in my mind, I become aware I had my fingers still drenched in Isabel’s tears when Marie made a gesture as she looks at my wet hands.


September 15, 2024 3:08 pm  #6504

Re: Movie night

Jarrod quickly tells me to lead the way.

"I know what you're waiting for." I begin teasingly. "But first I still need to puck you an outfit, remember." I finish as I start looking around.

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September 15, 2024 3:22 pm  #6505

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

No sooner than I had turned my head I feel William gently take my face and delicately turn it so I'm looking directly into his eyes. He then quietly asks me how I'm feeling. If I've released all my emotions and if I'd like to take a walk or go home.

Before I have a chance to answer I notice Annabelle beginning to get a little restless as she releases William's leg, turn to me and place both of her hands firmly on my quads, making them jiggle. I make sure this time not to flex (just for William) as I feel butterflies in my stomach for coming so far out of my comfort zone.

I clear my throat to try to distract myself from my feelings before speaking. "I think it'd be best if we went home. I think Annabelle is getting a bit restless."

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (September 16, 2024 8:56 pm)

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September 15, 2024 3:22 pm  #6506

Re: Movie night

I smile at Camilla, more so when I see her picking a flashy outfit. I ask her: “Will that do or do you want me to try more than one? Be warned, every time you strip me we’ll make love.” I give her a teasing and playful smile.


September 15, 2024 3:29 pm  #6507

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Seeing Anna’s extremely sensual thighs jiggle in Annabelle’s hands, brings a firm tent, even a wetness that betrays I’m more than ready to make love to my sexy wife.

As soon as her thighs stop jiggling in Annabelle’s hands I turn to look into Anna’s eyes: “Lucky girl, she got to feel the most beautiful and sensual thighs jiggle in her hands, I guess she learned from her father, I can’t wait to feel them too. I agree, let’s head home, I hope nobody complains about the tent as we walk towards the car, that is, unless you would like to take care of it.” I blush and smile.


September 15, 2024 4:00 pm  #6508

Re: Movie night

Emily's POV

I knew Isabel was right about me not pursuing Seraphina. When I got home, my partner greeted me with a hug and a passionate kiss. When she broke the kiss, tears began streaming down her face

'Welcome home' she said. I wiped her tears away as my own began running down my cheeks. We decamped to the sofa where we put our booted legs on the fabric and talked about our day.

Isabel's encounter with Leonora made her laugh. She laughed so hard another tear streamed down her face. I tenderly wiped it for her and we kissed again. I would miss this so much. I had heard Robyn and Marie discussing Robyn's upcoming wedding. She was still with my ex after all.

This recollection made tears well in my eyes

'What's wrong?'

I let my tears run down my cheeks.

'I'm just remembering my first ex' I replied. 'And how I broke her heart, but now she's getting married to Tristan's friend Robyn'

My partner tenderly wiped my tears away and placed a hand on one of my booted legs. Her fingers played with one of my boot zips. I moved one of my hands to her ponytail and passed my fingers through the fronds of her tied back hair. Our eyes filled with tears again.

I gently pulled out my partners hair as her tears ran down her cheeks. We kissed again, oblivious to our wet faces

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 15, 2024 4:04 pm  #6509

Re: Movie night

Enid's POV

That night after Seraphina's visit, Tristan grumbled at dinner that Robyn hadn't stopped by for a suitable goodbye

'Her and Marie were staying at Susan's house in New Jersey' I informed him. 'And Robyn's a teacher like Jarrod. She might not have had time to come into the shop today'

Tristan conceded this point, but I could tell he still wasn't happy. I just let him be

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 16, 2024 8:54 pm  #6510

Re: Movie night

I see Jarrod's approval as he gives me a smile before asking me if I wanted him to try on more than one outfit teasing me by adding that every time I strip him we'll make love again.

"I think one outfit is sufficient." I begin slowly before adding teasingly "But we never made love after I tried on my outfit."

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